973 results found
… Avoid contact with people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). … Avoid contact with people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). …
Health topics
Healthy eating
Health topics
… don't use tobacco or vape. If you haven't already, get the vaccines to protect yourself from hepatitis A and hepatitis B. These vaccines are safe during pregnancy. Stay away from people … don't use tobacco or vape. If you haven't already, get the vaccines to protect yourself from hepatitis A and hepatitis …
Health topics
… may prevent a good response to certain live viral vaccines (such as measles, mumps, rubella, varicella). If you have recently received any of these vaccines, your doctor may have you tested for a response or … vaccinated again later. If you plan on getting any of these vaccines, your doctor will instruct you about the best time …
… your doctor if you have recently received certain live vaccines (such as varicella vaccine, live flu vaccine). … your doctor if you have recently received certain live vaccines (such as varicella vaccine, live flu vaccine). …
… your doctor if you have recently received certain live vaccines (such as varicella vaccine, live flu vaccine). This … your doctor if you have recently received certain live vaccines (such as varicella vaccine, live flu vaccine). This …
… Avoid contact with people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). … Avoid contact with people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). …
… flu vaccine inhaled through the nose. Avoid receiving BCG vaccines for one year after completing treatment with … flu vaccine inhaled through the nose. Avoid receiving BCG vaccines for one year after completing treatment with …