4930 results found
Medical tests
… under a microscope for changes in the cells that may mean cancer may be present or is likely to develop. If bleeding … under a microscope for changes in the cells that may mean cancer may be present or is likely to develop. If bleeding …
… chest pain spreading to the jaw/neck/arm, unusual sweating, trouble breathing, or fast/irregular heartbeat. Uses … Other symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness and sweating, are unaffected by this drug. This product may also … risks and benefits with your doctor. This drug passes into breast milk but is unlikely to harm a nursing infant. …
… chest pain spreading to the jaw/neck/arm, unusual sweating, trouble breathing, or fast/irregular heartbeat. Uses … Other symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness and sweating, are unaffected by this drug. This product may also … benefits of this medication. This medication passes into breast milk and may have undesirable effects on a nursing …
… medication(s). Symptoms of low blood sugar include sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, … forms of glucose, rapidly raise your blood sugar by eating a quick source of sugar such as table sugar, honey, … insulin). It is unknown if this medication passes into breast milk. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding. Drug …
Health topics
… of ceramic that matches your teeth and looks like a normal, healthy tooth. Crowns for the teeth in the back of the mouth … breaking. How Well It Works A crown will work just like a healthy tooth. Crowns sometimes come loose or wear out over … next to the pulp, the pulp may not be strong enough to make healthy dentin , which surrounds and protects the pulp. If …
Health topics
… and bacteria that can contaminate certain types of seafood. Eating the seafood may result in foodborne illness . The … eaten. Laboratory testing is typically not needed. Treating poisoning There are no specific treatments for marine … drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of food. This will …
Health topics
… or when it is prepared. You may have become ill after eating meat or eggs that weren't cooked enough or by eating other unsafe foods or drinking unsafe water. You will … minerals, may help replace electrolytes. When you feel like eating, start with mild foods, such as dry toast, yogurt, …
Health topics
… matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in the area where … health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… a problem as long as your baby seems comfortable and is healthy and growing, and as long as the stools aren't hard. … yellowish brown by the end of the first week. The stools of breastfed babies tend to be more yellow than those of … change as your baby grows? As your baby grows and begins eating solid foods, you may notice changes in your baby's …
… in the chest, chest pain spreading to the jaw/neck/arm, sweating, trouble breathing, or fast/irregular heartbeat. Uses … symptoms of low blood sugar level, such as dizziness and sweating, are not affected by this drug. This product may also … and benefits with your doctor. This medication passes into breast milk and may have undesirable effects on a nursing …