6291 results found
Health topics
… Overview In older adults, hip fractures are usually caused by a fall. Even a slight fall can sometimes cause a … the rate of bone thinning after it starts. Drinking alcohol. Don't drink more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day. Drinking more than this puts you at …
Health topics
… Basics What is placenta previa? Placenta previa is a pregnancy problem in which the placenta blocks the cervix . … the inside wall of the uterus soon after conception. During pregnancy, it gives the baby food and oxygen. In a normal … and covers all or part of the cervix. Placenta previa can cause problems such as these: You may have too much bleeding, …
Healthy eating
… of arthritis. It occurs when high levels of uric acid cause crystals to form in your joints and soft tissues, … desserts like pastries, donuts, cake, and cookies. Limit alcohol. Even one or two drinks can increase your risk of a … of 12% wine, or 43 mL (1.5 oz.) shot of 40% spirits. All alcohol, and especially beer, can increase your risk of gout …
Health topics
… The Ring On this page: Overview Overview The ring is used to prevent pregnancy. It's a soft plastic ring that you put into your … the hormones estrogen and progestin. These hormones prevent pregnancy in three ways. They thicken the mucus in the …
Healthy eating
… sodium content of foods can also be found on food labels. Use this information to make lower sodium choices. Food … see the following resources: HealthLink BC www.healthlinkbc.ca – Get medically approved non-emergency …
Health topics
… birth defects tests? Birth defects tests are done during pregnancy to look for possible problems with the baby … But it doesn't guarantee that you will have a normal pregnancy or baby. Diagnostic tests show if a baby has a … are blood tests and ultrasounds. The blood tests are used to look for the amount of certain substances in your …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview The sponge is used to prevent pregnancy. It is called a barrier method because it keeps … as directed , it is about 80% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 20 out of 100 people who …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview The implant is used to prevent pregnancy. It's a thin rod about the size of a matchstick … arm. The implant releases the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy. Progestin prevents pregnancy in these ways: It …
Health topics
… a chemical has been swallowed that may be a poison or may cause burning in the throat and esophagus , call your local … phenol does not mix with water, so use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol first to flush the chemical off the skin and then flush with water. If alcohol is not available, flush with a large amount of …
Health topics
… lower part of the uterus. It leads to the vagina. During pregnancy, it is tightly closed to protect the baby. … cerclage, the doctor sews the cervix shut early in the pregnancy. The stitches are removed in time for the baby to … pregnancies last longer. But it also has risks. It can cause infection or miscarriage. What To Expect How long it …