6289 results found
Health topics
… in the shape of an area of the body. Swelling can be caused by: A collection of body fluid. Growth of tissue. … Some women have mild swelling in their hands or feet during pregnancy. Swelling in the feet may be more obvious in the … lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel. Try Home …
Health topics
… presses on certain places on your belly. Sometimes this causes the baby to turn. The medical name for this process is … attempt. The mother has been pregnant before. A previous pregnancy usually means that the wall of the belly is more … when: footnote 2 The mother has already had at least one pregnancy and childbirth. The baby, or a foot or leg, has …
Health topics
… Snoring On this page: Condition Overview Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To … Sleep on your side and not your back. Limit your use of alcohol and medicines such as sedatives before you go to … things that may contribute to snoring include: Drinking alcohol, which depresses the part of the brain that …
Medical tests
… Down syndrome . Inhibin A is made by the placenta during pregnancy. The level of inhibin A in the blood is used in a maternal serum quadruple screening test. Generally … care decisions that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? …
Medical tests
… defects in a fetus . It's done to find birth defects caused by an abnormal number of chromosomes . It also can … mother. The test can be done as early as 10 weeks in the pregnancy. If this screening test is positive, it means … care decisions that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? …
Medical tests
… photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a test that uses a special type of camera and a tracer (a radioactive … know if you should avoid smoking or drinking caffeine or alcohol for 24 hours before this test. You may be asked to … You are pregnant. A SPECT scan usually isn't done during pregnancy because the radiation could harm the unborn baby …
Health topics
… it needs. Things that may affect your body clock and can cause sleep problems include: Jet lag. Crossing time zones … nervous system may also affect sleep patterns. Drugs and alcohol. Some drugs cause sleep problems. And, although you may fall asleep with no problems after drinking alcohol late in the evening, drinking alcohol before bed can …
Health topics
… and rebuild your energy. Lack of sleep over time can cause sleep deprivation, or sleep debt. This affects your … any for at least 6 hours before bedtime. Avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol can cause you to wake up more often during the …
Health topics
… disorder is a strong urge to gamble, even though it causes serious problems. You may feel that you can't control … such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. Having an alcohol or drug addiction (substance use disorder). Being … naltrexone. This medicine is often used to treat opioid and alcohol use disorders. Gambling disorder can increase the …
Health topics
… What are the symptoms? Symptoms may include: Tiredness. Nausea. Diarrhea. Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). … before you increase the amount of fluids you drink. Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs. Using drugs or alcohol may make the disease last longer. How can you …