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Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Sedation is the use of medicine to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during a procedure. Sometimes it's used to help with pain. Sedation may be used with an injection to numb the area or with other …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Virtual reality therapy is the use of computer-produced situations to make you believe and … It Is Done Virtual reality therapy has been successfully used to help people with: Exaggerated fears (phobias). You can use virtual reality to confront a feared object or …
Health topics
… Overview Endoscopic therapy is the method most commonly used to treat active variceal bleeding in the esophagus. … to help blood flow through the liver. It also may be used to prevent recurrent episodes of variceal bleeding, … Endoscopic sclerotherapy. Endoscopic therapy is usually used along with medicines taken regularly, such as …
Health topics
… or corrosion. Also have them inspected each year. When in use, make sure they vent properly to allow gas to escape … stove damper before the fire is completely out. Don't use kerosene or propane heaters in an enclosed area. Don't use a gas kitchen oven to heat your home. Don't burn …
Health topics
… Works Risks Treatment Overview A stem cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. … make normal blood cells. A stem cell transplant may be used to replace damaged stem cells with new, normal stem … aplastic anemia . In adults, most autologous transplants use stem cells from blood. In a child, the decision whether …
Health topics
… from being exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays. They are useful for high-risk areas such as the nose, lips, and shoulders. If you cannot avoid the sun, use sunglasses with 99 to 100 UV-A and UV-B protection, a … of the neck, and clothing to protect your child's skin. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and lip balm with sunscreen …
Health topics
… you have a COPD action plan, follow the plan. In general: Use your quick-relief inhaler as directed by your doctor. If your symptoms do not get better after you use your medicine, have someone take you to the emergency room. Call an ambulance if needed. Use a spacer with your metered-dose inhaler (MDI). If you …
Health topics
… Bursitis or a tendon injury (tendinopathy) in the elbow causes soreness or pain in the elbow region, particularly when … arm is in motion. Pressing on the affected area will also cause pain. The epicondyles are the bony bumps you can feel on … of your elbow. Tendinopathy or epicondylopathy is a term used by a growing number of tendon experts to describe …
Health topics
… electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy that uses low-voltage electrical current for pain relief. You do … some people experience less pain. This may be because the electricity from the electrodes stimulates the … therapy, you can do TENS at home. Why It Is Done People use TENS to relieve pain from different conditions. This …
Health topics
… Kava On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Kava—or … supplements and liquid or powder extracts. Why It Is Used Kava is used by some people for anxiety, sleeplessness, or other …