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Health topics
… from a strict regimen of meals, sleep, and exercise, because you can program it to match your changing schedule. … easier. But it takes some time and effort to learn how to use the pump to keep it working properly and to control your diabetes. When you use a pump, you will need to check your blood sugar many …
Health topics
… is a good way to lower the calories in your diet. Also, use smaller amounts of fats like butter, margarine, salad … up on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eating at home Use meat as a side dish instead of as the main part of your meal. Try main dishes that use whole wheat pasta, brown rice, dried beans, or …
Health topics
… you've gotten help with past challenges, what was the most useful? How can you use that now? Get help with the details. This might include … getting a ride or arranging for child care. Join a class or use a fitness app. Some people use social media or apps to …
Health topics
… the release of urine (sphincter) no longer works. What causes total incontinence? One cause of total incontinence is neurogenic bladder. This nerve … prevents the bladder from emptying as it should. Other causes can be spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and …
Health topics
… Overview Treatment Overview Cryosurgery uses extreme cold to destroy cancer cells. It may be used to treat early prostate cancer. It's an option for … therapy or a more invasive type of surgery. Or it may be used to treat prostate cancer that has come back after …
Health topics
… and reduce stress . After you learn the technique, you can use it whenever you need or want relief from symptoms of … chair or reclining), concentrate without any goal, and then use visual imagination and verbal cues to relax your body in … heartbeat, and body temperature. What is autogenic training used for? Most people use autogenic training (AT) to relieve …
Health topics
… quickly as anyone else can walking. Most people with an SCI use a wheelchair at some point. Even if you can get around … strength. Manual wheelchairs with special designs are often used in sports, such as basketball, tennis, and racing. … and a battery pack that you need to recharge. They are used by people with less upper body strength. They come in …
Health topics
… Information Treatment Overview Magnetic field therapy uses magnets to maintain health and treat illness. The human … the body, the earth, and other electromagnetic fields cause physical and emotional changes in humans. They also … to deliver an electrical pulse to the treated area. Used with acupuncture needles, to treat energy pathways in …
Health topics
… up. If you have come in contact with a substance that causes contact dermatitis (such as poison ivy, oak, or sumac), … immediately wash the area with a lot of water. If you can, use liquid dish soap or a mild soap and very warm running … label. Some over-the-counter medicines may caution against use in the genital area or caution use for children. Zinc …
Health topics
… that can trigger an allergic reaction. Allergens can cause a rash, a stuffy nose, or other symptoms such as … problem. Reduce dust and dust mites in the air. Don't use window or attic fans, which bring air containing pollen, mould spores, and other allergens into your home. Use air conditioning so you don't have to open windows. This …