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Health topics
… are common in a spinal cord injury (SCI) . This is because you may not be able to use some of the muscles necessary for breathing, or they may … breathing every day, you can strengthen the muscles you use for breathing. Take a deep breath and hold it for a few …
Health topics
… toddler plenty of fluids (breast milk, water, other fluids) Use a cool air humidifier Use saline drops in your toddler’s nostrils to help clear a … toddler has a cold, antibiotics won't help. Colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics can't treat viruses. There …
Health topics
… Gender dysphoria is a feeling of emotional distress because your inner sense of your gender ( gender identity ) … depressed. Stressed. Some people may feel extra stress because of discrimination in their community. Rejection, prejudice, and fear can cause long-term stress. How is it diagnosed? Gender dysphoria …
Health topics
… as much healthy tissue as possible. This surgery is mostly used for areas of skin you can see or where scarring is a … concern, such as on the ears, nose, or eyelids. It is also used for skin cancer that is likely to return, is growing … from another part of your body. This sheet of skin can be used to cover the area where the cancer was removed. The …
Health topics
… for changes that could lead to cancer. Two tests can be used to screen for cervical cancer. They may be used alone or together. A Pap test. This test looks for … lead to cancer. Most cervical cancer screening programs use Pap tests to screen for cervical cancer. A human …
Health topics
… pressure to the wound. If gloves are not available, use many layers of fabric, plastic bags, or whatever you … wound, if possible, and apply pressure to the injured area. Use your bare hands to apply pressure only as a last resort. … not down the back of the throat. Swallowing blood can cause vomiting. Remove any visible objects that are easy to …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Insect stings often cause minor swelling, redness, pain, and itching. Most bites … skin may help relieve itching and redness. Note : Do not use the cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not use in the rectal or vaginal area in children younger than …
Health topics
… for taking care of yourself. Schedule time for yourself. Use a calendar or planner to set aside specific times for … members or friends for help. Take a break while your child uses community services (such as school programs, social … child's condition so that you will know what to expect. Use exercise, positive self-talk, relaxation, deep …
Health topics
… a faster pace in the middle, and a cool-down at the end. Use a phone app or pedometer to count your steps. Wear it all day. If you want to walk more each day, use it to track your progress. Set a goal. Try to walk at a … short-term goals should be things you know you can do. Use a phone app or a pedometer. Use it every day to count …
Health topics
… Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Laser resurfacing uses brief pulses of light to improve the look of the skin. … Carbon dioxide lasers and erbium lasers are often used for skin resurfacing. The laser is passed over the skin … In most cases, laser resurfacing is very precise and causes little damage to the surrounding skin and tissue. It is …