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6291 results found
Medical tests
… having a lipase test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. … normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your … be normal for you. High values A high lipase level may be caused by: Diseases of the pancreas , such as pancreatitis or …
Health topics
… your throat better when you breathe. This surgery may be used to improve obstructive sleep apnea that has not been … you sleep and blocks the airway. So you may still need to use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). You will … damage to surrounding blood vessels or tissues. Problems caused by surgery may include: A sore throat and problems …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Doctors use different guidelines to decide when a person should have … test. A cholesterol test can be one of the things doctors use to check on your risk of heart attack and stroke. The … on the cholesterol level and the type of treatment being used. Cholesterol tests for children and teens Your child's …
Health topics
… that can help with ovulation . Electrocautery or a laser is used to destroy parts of the ovaries. This surgery is not commonly used. But it can be an option if you still don't ovulate … 2 to 4 weeks. Why It Is Done Ovarian drilling is sometimes used if you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and still …
Health topics
… Like conventional medicines, natural health products may cause side effects, trigger allergic reactions, or interact … means that how well they work or any side effects they cause may differ among brands or even within different lots of … food or grocery stores may not be the same as the form used in research. Other than for vitamins and minerals, the …
Health topics
… inside with your windows closed when air pollution is bad. Use air-conditioning in hot weather so you don't have to open windows. Try to keep indoor air clean. Use an air conditioner or air purifier with a special air … and chimneys for cracks that could allow fumes into your house. Make sure wood stoves and gas ranges are vented well. …
Health topics
… Overview You can safely buy medicine online if you use online pharmacies recommended by the U.S. National … in—your address, your credit card number—could be read and used by anyone who comes across it. Secure websites use special tools to "encrypt" your information. They turn …
Health topics
… a time. Fasting to detoxify the body. Some people fast because they believe it rids the body of toxins. But there is no … and kidneys are normal. Fasting to lose weight. Some people use fasting as a way to lose weight. There are different … of 8 p.m. and noon the following day. People sometimes use intermittent fasting to try to lose weight. You may hear …
Health topics
… therapists work with people of all ages who, because of illness, injury, developmental delays, or … productive, and satisfying lives. Occupational therapists use work, self-care, and recreational activities to increase … are dressing and eating. Home skills. Some examples are housekeeping, gardening, and cooking. Personal management …
Health topics
… Information Overview Corporal punishment is the intentional use of physical force to cause bodily pain or discomfort as a penalty for unacceptable … Anger, Hostility, and Violent Behaviour Bullying Child Abuse and Neglect Effective Parenting: Discipline Helping Your …