6273 results found
Medical tests
… DNA from cells attached to the root of the hair. It can be used to find out if people are related. Forensic hair … are washed in special chemicals before testing. DNA profiles Hair samples for DNA analysis will be gathered by … by nutrition and internal metabolism but also by external substances. Air pollution, mineral content of the water …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A home lung function test uses a peak flow meter or a home spirometer to monitor and … Monitor your lung function if you are regularly exposed to substances at work that can damage your lungs (occupational … Monitor your lung function if you are regularly exposed to substances at work that can damage your lungs (occupational …
Health topics
… Here are some things you can do to help you stay focused and make it easier to manage temptation, track your … watching TV, using a computer, or driving. Use of another substance, like alcohol or tobacco. Other people who have … watching TV, using a computer, or driving. Use of another substance, like alcohol or tobacco. Other people who have …
Medical tests
… During a liver and spleen scan, a radioactive tracer substance is put into a vein ( IV ) in the arm. It moves … get through 1 to 2 days of feeding. The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not … During a liver and spleen scan, a radioactive tracer substance is put into a vein ( IV ) in the arm. It moves …
Medical tests
… , inflammation , or bleeding. The test can help find the cause of joint pain or swelling. Normally, only a small amount … with a Gram stain (a special dye). Joint fluid added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs (such as … with a Gram stain (a special dye). Joint fluid added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs (such as …
Medical tests
… this disease. They look for the bacterium, or germ, that causes gonorrhea . Testing is done on body fluid or urine … the cervix, urethra, eye, rectum, or throat is added to a substance that promotes the growth of the bacteria. If no … the cervix, urethra, eye, rectum, or throat is added to a substance that promotes the growth of the bacteria. If no …
Healthy eating
… of foods can help you make choices that fit your needs. Use the table below to find out the amount of potassium in … information, see the following resources: HealthLink BC www.healthlinkbc.ca – Get medically approved non-emergency …
Health topics
… Healthy eating, keeping active and avoiding certain substances can improve fertility for both males and females. … you may have several tests to help identify the cause of infertility. Antisperm antibody test Fertility … options other than natural conception, such as adoption or use of a surrogate. You may also have to consider legal and …
Health topics
… The Patch On this page: Overview Overview The patch is used to prevent pregnancy. It looks like a bandage. You put … your period. Your period may be very light. You also may use the patch continuously, without stopping for a week each … may still have breakthrough bleeding. This usually isn't harmful and may decrease over time. It may cause mood …
Health topics
… or weed killers (herbicides). And no hormones or drugs were used. This means that farmers and ranchers who grow organic food: Use only natural pest killers. These include plant oils, … to know if the small amount on non-organic foods can be harmful. Is it more nutritious? There is not enough evidence …