6273 results found
Health topics
… gland . The treatment destroys thyroid tissue but does not harm other tissue in the body. While radiation can cause thyroid cancer , treatment of hyperthyroidism with … feel different after treatment. But a few people may have nausea. Within a few days after treatment, the radioactive …
Health topics
… If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are some … not a complete list of beta-blockers. Why are beta-blockers used? Beta-blockers are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. They relax …
Health topics
… have any benefit. And some of these treatments may be harmful or have risks associated with them. When you're … behaviours. Is said not to need scientific research because it has no risks or side effects. Examples of unproven … a vein (IV). This is based on the assumption that ASD is caused by an autoimmune problem. Secretin. This treatment uses …
Health topics
… If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are some … not a complete list of antiplatelets. Why are antiplatelets used? Antiplatelets help lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Antiplatelets may be used by people who: Are at high risk for a heart attack or …
Health topics
… If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are some … are given as shots, and others are injected into a vein (infused). adalimumab (Humira) azathioprine (Imuran) etanercept … This is not a complete list of DMARDs. Why are DMARDs used? DMARDs are used for many different conditions. They …
Health topics
… If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are some … is not a complete list of antibiotics. Why are antibiotics used? Antibiotics are drugs used to kill bacteria. Bacteria can cause infections such as …
Health topics
… If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are some … a complete list. Why are noninsulin medicines for diabetes used? Non-insulin medicines for diabetes help you control … One of the non-insulin medicines, metformin, is sometimes used to treat prediabetes. How do they work? There are …
Health topics
… chickenpox Rubella , measles , mumps , and chickenpox can harm a growing fetus. They can cause birth defects, fetal death, or premature birth. … The intranasal vaccine contains live virus, so it is not used during pregnancy. Protect yourself against pertussis …
Health topics
… sure to treat low blood sugar right away so that it doesn't harm you or your baby. Checking your blood sugar helps you … these steps to help prevent low blood sugar. If possible, use a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). This is a useful tool to help predict when your blood sugar is getting …
Health topics
… If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are some … This is not a complete list. Why are antiretrovirals used? Antiretroviral therapy (ART) combines several … General information about side effects All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And …