6273 results found
Health topics
… part or all of the breast is removed ( mastectomy ) because of cancer. It may also be done for people who have … dorsi (LD) flap is a type of pedicle flap surgery. It uses muscle, fat, and skin from the upper back that is … takes fat and skin from the lower belly area but doesn't use the muscle. By saving the muscle, it helps avoid later …
Health topics
… caffeine can make you feel nervous or grouchy. And it can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and headaches. Alcohol … as they really are. Mixing caffeine with alcohol may cause you to drink more. That's because the caffeine may keep you awake longer. Pregnancy In …
Health topics
… kinds of percutaneous discectomy procedures. All of them use small instruments that are inserted between the … to go home on the same day you have the procedure. You can use prescription medicine to control pain while you recover. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) test is used to monitor a person before and during treatment. Along with other tests, this test may be used to see how well a treatment is working. And in some cases, it may be used with other tests to see if the cancer has grown or come …
Health topics
… as a complication of previous nasal surgery, from cocaine use, excessive nose picking, trauma, cancer, or diseases … begins to die, and a hole forms. Some perforations can cause bleeding, pain, and a whistling sound when you inhale. … without a prescription. Several surgical techniques may be used to close a larger perforation. A surgeon may use tissue …
Health topics
… teenagers. It's more common in boys than in girls. What causes it? Rapid growth and an imbalance of hormones during adolescence may cause a slipped capital femoral epiphysis. An injury or a … your symptoms. X-rays and sometimes CT scan or MRI are used to confirm a diagnosis of slipped capital femoral …
Health topics
… a phone within reach or you have an emergency call device, use it to call for help. If you do not have a phone within … window or a place where you think you can be heard. Yell or use an object to make noise so someone might hear you. If you can reach something that you can use for a pillow, place it under your head. Try to stay warm …
Medical tests
… who are trying to become more fit and lose weight sometimes use the test to check for changes in their body fat levels. … include: Skinfold thickness. A tool called a caliper is used to measure the thickness of fat at one or more places … your body's electrical resistance. This resistance is used along with your height and weight to calculate your …
Health topics
… something else between your hands and the wound. You can use many layers of clean cloth, plastic bags, or the cleanest material available. Use your bare hands to apply direct pressure only as a last … flow. Apply steady, direct pressure for a full 15 minutes. Use a clock—15 minutes can seem like a long time. Resist the …
Health topics
… But if they become resistant to antibiotics, they can cause serious infections, especially in people who are ill or … with antibiotics, which are the types of medicines normally used to kill bacteria. VRE infections are more difficult to treat than other infections with enterococci, because fewer antibiotics can kill the bacteria. How is a VRE …