6273 results found
Medical tests
… checked for glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disease that can cause blindness by damaging the optic nerve . If you have … help control glaucoma. Check for birth defects that may cause glaucoma. How To Prepare If you wear contact lenses, … back in for 1 hour after the test or until the medicine used to numb your eye wears off. If your eyes might be …
Health topics
… weaker eye. For amblyopia to be treated, your child must use the weak eye. This will force the eye to get stronger. … avoid any hurtful comments or teasing that may happen because of the patch. Reward your child. Consider giving rewards … wears the patch without complaints or difficulties. You can use a phone app or a calendar to show your child's progress …
Health topics
… will help you and your doctor find ways to make the best use of your remaining vision. Your doctor will ask questions … What sort of lighting do you have in your home? Do you use a night-light? The doctor may ask other questions about … with similar brightness or colour (low contrast). Because side (peripheral) vision is less sharp than central …
Health topics
… irritate and wear away the lining of the esophagus and cause sores. These sores are called ulcers. What causes GERD? Normally when you swallow food, it travels down … Read and follow all instructions on the label. If you use these medicines often, talk with your doctor. Change …
Health topics
… pattern. "Overweight" and "obese" are terms sometimes used when referring to children who weigh more than expected. Doctors use growth charts or the body mass index (BMI) to measure a … an examination that looks for health problems that can cause weight gain. This may include questions about eating and …
Health topics
… pain and stiffness in the neck after an injury that has caused the neck to move suddenly or beyond its normal range. … a sports injury, or if you are roughly shaken. The motion causes stretching or tears (sprains) of muscles and ligaments … neck, and it may damage the nerves. In rare cases, it may cause broken bones. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of …
Health topics
… is the most common type of pain with an SCI. This pain is caused by damage to the nervous system . This type of pain may … root pain occurs at or just below the level of injury. It causes brief instances of sharp pain or burning pain where … are different types of musculoskeletal pain. Secondary overuse pain is caused by the overuse of muscles in any part of …
Health topics
… Aspirin and other antiplatelet medicines. These are used to prevent blood clots. Statins and other medicines. These are used to lower high cholesterol. Beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, or ARBs. These are used to lower blood pressure and reduce the workload on your …
Health topics
… your doctor assess your child's growth. This tool can be used for children ages 2 through 19. Be cautious if you use this tool or any height and weight charts to assess your … of very small children push their children to eat more because they're concerned about their growth. This can cause …
Health topics
… Menopause: Managing Hot Flashes Actionset Overview A hot flash is … to have hot flashes at some point before or after menopause . Hot flashes happen when estrogen levels drop. You may … or go away after the first or second year after menopause. At that point, estrogen levels usually stay at a low …