3389 results found
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Health topics
… loss of interest in things you usually enjoy or changes in eating and sleeping habits. These can often be treated if … pain relievers may be helpful. Reduce stress. Finding healthy ways to cope with stress may help reduce your pain. … helps you focus less on your challenges and feel more healthy. The best results occur when you take an active, …
Health topics
… cells, or brain cells. This can make them valuable for treating some diseases. Diseases that can be treated with stem … leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, and some types of anemia. When healthy stem cells are transplanted into a child who is ill, … or sister. Cord blood stem cells are rarely used to treat adults, who normally need more stem cells than cord blood …
HealthLinkBC files
… to people who are at least 7 years It is typically given to adults aged 18 years and older. Adults who were immunized against tetanus and diphtheria … system to give better protection against these diseases. Adults who have not been immunized or do not have a record …
HealthLinkBC files
… up until delivery. Children 7 years of age and older and adults who have not been fully immunized or whose … the Tdap vaccine is recommended, but not provided free, for adults who were immunized in childhood. Adults who want to get the vaccine can buy it at most …
Health topics
… Teen behaviours can be confusing and frustrating for adults. But a lot of those behaviours are happening for a … Being very critical of their body or how they look. Overeating regularly, restricting food, or purging. Showing more … Being very critical of their body or how they look. Overeating regularly, restricting food, or purging. Showing more …
Health topics
… Heat rash is most common in babies, but it may affect adults in hot, humid climates. What causes heat rash? In … Heat rash is most common in babies, but it may affect adults in hot, humid climates. What causes heat rash? In …
Health topics
… in the large basket or on the outside of the cart. Only adults should push the shopping cart. … in the large basket or on the outside of the cart. Only adults should push the shopping cart. …
Health topics
… will start to show irritation with or lack of respect for adults who are in charge. Language development Most children … will start to show irritation with or lack of respect for adults who are in charge. Language development Most children …
Health topics
… any age, but it is most shocking when it happens to young adults or athletes. While the media often highlight these … sudden death is rare. It occurs in about 1 out of 100 adults with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy each year. footnote … any age, but it is most shocking when it happens to young adults or athletes. While the media often highlight these …