6345 results found
Health topics
… table immediately and do something else. For example, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or brush your teeth, go for a walk, or begin doing something you … when you were smoking. Wait until you are at work to have your morning coffee. Talking on the phone. Hold the phone …
Health topics
… rehab program, you are probably taking medicines for your heart and for other health reasons. Some prescribed medicines can change your heart rate, blood pressure, and overall ability to exercise. It's important for your rehab team to know what medicines you take. Give your …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done Blood levels of … Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a …
Health topics
… who use substances (HealthLinkBC File #102b) Naloxone: Treating opioid overdose (HealthLinkBC File #118) … alcohol and substance use, psychosis, and body image and eating. Young people can also access services at 17 local … e-cigarettes. It supports you if you want to quit or reduce your use. Trained quit coaches work with you one-on-one to …
Health topics
… ages: Preschool-age children (5 and younger) Be aware of your child's need for routine and structure. Even small changes in a normal routine can upset your child. Warn your child ahead of time if something that isn't expected …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … dizziness, trouble sleeping, appetite changes, increased sweating, acne, or pain/redness/swelling at the injection site … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course … professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course …