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Health topics
… treatment for moles. But some can turn into cancer. Talk to your doctor if a mole bleeds, itches, burns, or changes size or colour. Also let your doctor know if you get a new mole. Make sure to wear … other sun protection every day to help prevent skin cancer. Your doctor may remove a mole in any of these ways: Cutting …
Health topics
… is an inflammation of the hair follicles. Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny pouch called a follicle. You can have folliculitis on any part of your body that has hair. But it is most common on the beard … been in a hot tub or spa. Many small pimples appear on your stomach and sometimes on your arms and legs. You might …
Health topics
… wearing spacious, comfortable shoes with good arch support. Your doctor may recommend padding for the heel (heel cup) or … leg straight at the knee, and both feet flat on the floor. Your feet should point directly at the wall or slightly in toward the centre of your body. Keep the knee of the leg nearest the wall centred …
Health topics
… you touch something the child has touched, the eggs get on your hands. Then if you touch food or your mouth, you can swallow the eggs. This starts the cycle … groups of people spend time together. So if one person in your family has pinworms, others probably do too. It's …
Health topics
… or alcohol. A lapse or relapse doesn't mean that you or your treatment has failed. It may mean that you just slipped … on. Try to find out why you relapsed. Then make changes in your life so that it won't happen again. You also may need … relapses, whether you have tried to quit substance use on your own or have had treatment. As time goes on, relapses …
Health topics
… and a dressing. Dermabrasion is almost always done in your doctor's office or on an outpatient basis. What To … The colour most often fades in 6 to 12 weeks. Until then, your normal skin tones can be matched using makeup. Some … soon after the treatment. Some people need pain relievers. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to care for …
Health topics
… Optimism is a hopeful, positive outlook on the future, yourself, and the world around you. It is a key part of … benefits you might not know about—optimism helps keep up your physical health too. footnote 1 You don't have to be a … a positive viewpoint to make the most of what life brings your way. Can you make optimism work for you? Even if you …
Health topics
… If you have MS, and you want to have children, talk with your doctor. Some things to think about and plan for … control until you decide to try to become pregnant. Talk to your doctor about when to stop taking the medicine. In some cases, your doctor may suggest that you wait to start trying to get …
Medical tests
… by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. How To Prepare Equipment You can buy home … in urine. Midstream kits have a test strip that you hold in your stream of urine for several seconds. All kits tell you … pregnant (negative results), repeat the test in 1 week if your menstrual period has not started, or have a pregnancy …
Medical tests
… Prepare If you think you might have a kidney stone, talk to your doctor. You may be told to collect the stone by straining your urine through a fine-mesh strainer or through fine gauze. Your doctor may give you a kidney stone strainer, or you may …