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HealthLinkBC files
… have a family history. If you know of vision problems in your family, your child's eyes should be examined by an eye doctor … weak eye What are some vision concerns and their symptoms? Your child should see your family health care provider or …
Health topics
… the largest tendon in the body. It allows you to rise up on your toes and push off while walking or running. What are … have swelling and bruising. You may not be able to point your foot down or stand on your toes. Some people with partial tears may not have any …
HealthLinkBC files
… It can quickly affect several different organs including your liver, lungs and kidneys. Since TSS develops quickly, … in TSS. SA makes several toxins and when the toxins enter your bloodstream you can have a severe reaction causing TSS. … a tampon, menstrual cup, diaphragm or contraceptive sponge Changing your tampon at least every 8 hours, or using …
Health topics
… of tissue in the drainage angle of the eye is removed, creating an opening. The opening is partially covered with a … may stay in the hospital overnight. And in some cases, your doctor may recommend that you stay in the hospital. … Trabeculectomy is not the first surgery used for treating children who have childhood glaucoma . How Well It …
Health topics
… for cutting and styling hair. Then you can do the styling yourself if you want to. If you can't get professional help, … move well or can't lift their arms. Start by gathering your supplies. Depending on where you will wash the person's … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
HealthLinkBC files
… because they can remain in the air longer, get deeper into your lungs and may even get into your bloodstream. Fine particles that have a diameter less …
Health topics
… Overview Breastfeeding in the proper position will help your baby latch on and breastfeed correctly and make your … You are more likely to drain all areas of your breast by changing breastfeeding positions frequently. This helps to … You are more likely to drain all areas of your breast by changing breastfeeding positions frequently. This helps to …
Health topics
… swimming pools or in locker rooms. The fungi then grow in your shoes, especially if your shoes are tight and air can't move around your feet. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of athlete's foot …
Medical tests
… are two types of ophthalmoscopy. Direct ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a tool that is about the size of a small … can magnify up to about 15 times. Indirect ophthalmoscopy. Your doctor uses a small hand-held lens and either a slit … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done Tell your doctor if …
Health topics
… Physical pain Many medicines are available to relieve pain. Your doctor will choose the easiest and most non-invasive form of medicine to treat your level of pain. Medicines taken by mouth (oral) are … usually less expensive than other forms of medicines. If your pain is not severe, medicines that help to reduce pain …