4199 results found
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… have a positive effect on what seem to be symptoms of ADHD. Children without ADHD respond to psychostimulants similarly to children with ADHD. A trial of medicine is not used to … ADHD is estimated to affect about 3% to 10% of children. footnote 1 There is little evidence to support …
Health topics
… Keep your family safe by following these safety tips. Teach children that only grown-ups use fire. Keep lighters and … you are asleep or when you aren't in the room. Keep all heating elements at least 1 m (3 ft) away from items that can … you are asleep or when you aren't in the room. Keep all heating elements at least 1 m (3 ft) away from items that can …
Health topics
… for bedwetting. footnote 1 They work best for older children who can hear the alarm and wake themselves. If … be used with other treatments. The alarms aren't meant for children who wet the bed only once or twice a week. footnote … may need to help the child with all of the above steps. Children younger than 10 may not hear the alarm, but the …
Health topics
… typical toddler of this age also: Enjoys playing near other children (parallel play). However, your toddler is probably not yet able to play with other children (co-operative play) Has trouble sharing. Says "no" … Provide your toddler with opportunities to play with other children, but keep it on a one-to-one basis. You can also …
HealthLinkBC files
… Reye syndrome is a rare disease that mainly affects children and teenagers. It often occurs in children who have, or recently had, a viral infection such … You can also use ibuprofen for relief of symptoms in children under 18 years of age. Examples of ibuprofen …
Health topics
… Mild and temporary speech delays can occur. And some children learn new words faster than others do. But if your … result of normal developmental differences. Laziness. Young children instinctively practice speech and language as these … fear, or other problems. Having older siblings. Younger children may begin to talk slightly later than their older …
Health topics
… remember: Safety latches might make it more difficult for children to open cupboards, but they don’t make it impossible Some children may be able to open child resistant caps if they … coins, small mints and medications that can harm young children. Keep purses up high and out of reach. More tips …
Health topics
… the doctor cuts out the cancer along with small amount of healthy skin around it. The wound is most often closed with … the doctor cuts out the cancer along with small amount of healthy skin around it. The wound is most often closed with …
Health topics
… are cushioned by round, flat discs. When these discs are healthy, they act as shock absorbers for the spine and keep … are cushioned by round, flat discs. When these discs are healthy, they act as shock absorbers for the spine and keep …
Health topics
… about recovery activities. Education on a heart-healthy lifestyle and how to lower your risk of future heart … about recovery activities. Education on a heart-healthy lifestyle and how to lower your risk of future heart …