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Health topics
… down from parent to child (inherited). If one of your children has VUR, you may want to ask your doctor if your other children need to be checked. How is vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) treated? Many children do not need treatment for vesicoureteral reflux …
Health topics
… or a cough caused when the acid backs up in your throat. Treating GERD in pregnant women Lifestyle changes and antacids … such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or changing your eating habits. Medicines such as H2 blockers and proton pump … such as quitting smoking, losing weight, or changing your eating habits. Surgery may help GERD symptoms a little bit …
Health topics
… These symptoms can affect your ability to function. Some children may have special risks for eye problems. Vision … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… playing surface, or a road (road rash). School-age children 5 to 9 years old are most affected. Scrapes can … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … it is, and where it is on your body. Try these tips for treating a scrape. Stop the bleeding . Apply direct pressure …
Health topics
… Medical Test Medical tests can be scary for adults and for children. You can help your child feel safe and calm during … time before the test to explain what will happen. Some children react better when a test is explained right before … so they won't have time to worry or dream about the test. Children at this age have trouble separating fact from …
Health topics
… early treatment can slow down the virus and help you stay healthy. Getting treatment may lower the chance that you … the virus, these medicines can help the immune system stay healthy and delay or prevent AIDS. And they may help a … right away. Treatment can help your immune system stay healthy and delay or prevent AIDS. And it may help you live …
Health topics
… that covers areas like finances, homes, boundaries, and children. Break down the areas into small steps. Consider … it can be cheaper, quicker, and less stressful. Put your children first (if you have children). This can be hard. But your kids will do better if …
Health topics
… glands in your neck or other parts of the body. Small children sometimes drool before cold sores appear. After the … cold sores often. Help prevent the spread of cold sores in children. Encourage frequent handwashing. Don't let children share toys that other children put in their mouths. …
HealthLinkBC files
… of water (e.g. bathtub). ‘Non-swimmers’ and young children (0-12 years old) need constant supervision by a responsible adult. Keep small children within arm’s reach of a responsible person (at … cannot wear a PFD should always be held by an adult. Older children (12-17 years old) should use the “buddy system.” …