5785 results found
… for an ongoing cough from smoking or long-term breathing problems (such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema) unless … products have not been shown to be safe or effective in children younger than 6 years. Do not use this product to … of overdose may include: fast heartbeat, vomiting, sweating, nervousness, feeling high (euphoria), …
Health topics
… eruption can help ease your discomfort and prevent other problems. Try the following treatments. Do not rub your … control itching. Do not use the hydrocortisone cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not use in the rectal or vaginal area in children younger than age 12 unless your doctor tells you …
Health topics
… of illness, injury, developmental delays, or psychological problems, need assistance in learning skills to help them … be: Personal care activities. Two examples are dressing and eating. Home skills. Some examples are housekeeping, … disease, post-traumatic stress, substance use disorder, and eating disorders. Current as of: March 1, 2023 …
Health topics
… that affects the whole body (sepsis) or other dangerous problems. Treatment is needed to help control the infection … to get cellulitis again. What causes it? Cellulitis is caused by bacteria, most often strep or staph. You can get … In adults, it often occurs on the legs, face, or arms. In children, it is most common on the face or around the anus. …
Medical tests
… your doctor's instructions about how long you need to avoid eating and drinking before the test. Many medicines may … of the tube in their throat, but this is a false sensation caused by the anesthetic. There is always plenty of … your doctor's instructions about how long you need to avoid eating and drinking before the test. Many medicines may …
… be used to treat itching in people with too much bile acid caused by a certain type of liver/bile duct disease (partial … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … medication in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
… doctor or pharmacist. Take this medication by mouth after eating food and with a full glass of water. The dosage is … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
Health topics
… physically and emotionally ready for toilet training. Most children are ready to start when they are between 22 and 30 … ready. Sometimes toilet training disruptions or delays are caused by stress or major changes in routine. Also, a child … well with toilet training and to suddenly begin having problems. For example, he or she may try to "hold it" for …
Health topics
… a bony mound in the knee called the tibial tubercle . Older children and teenagers often get Osgood-Schlatter disease … has gone away. What causes it? Osgood-Schlatter disease is caused by too much stress on the muscles and tendons that … sports and be active. This will not cause any long-term problems. If your child plays a sport with a lot of …
… pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Candesartan belongs to a class of drugs called … failure. This medication is not recommended for use in children younger than 1 year due to increased risk of side … doctor if you are using marijuana (cannabis). Too much sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting may cause you to feel …