5785 results found
Medical tests
… or your stomach. These complications are not common. If problems happen during the procedure, doctors can likely fix … Abnormal values A buildup of pericardial fluid may be caused by: Inflammation of the sac that surrounds the heart … or your stomach. These complications are not common. If problems happen during the procedure, doctors can likely fix …
HealthLinkBC files
… make an appointment. Who should get the chickenpox vaccine? Children get the chickenpox vaccine as a series of 2 doses. … provider. What is chickenpox? Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It spreads easily … syndrome. Babies may have a low birth weight, scars and problems with their limbs, eyes and brain. Chickenpox can …
Health topics
… may go away on its own. But it can lead to more serious problems. So it's a good idea to see your doctor and get treatment. What causes it? Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria that are normally in the … Do not douche. Can yogurt help? Some people have tried treating bacterial vaginosis with the probiotic Lactobacillus …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaccines are a safe and effective way to help people stay healthy, prevent illness and even save lives. The influenza … spray. Many people use the term flu to refer to any illness caused by a virus, such as the common cold or stomach flu, … with allergies can get an influenza vaccine without any problems. However, if you have had a severe allergic …
Health topics
… is a strong urge to gamble, even though it causes serious problems. You may feel that you can't control your gambling … of gambling. Need help from others to handle money problems caused by gambling. The symptoms are similar to those of … more common in this group. Being abused or neglected as children. Having seen or been a victim of violence. How is …
Health topics
… SAM-e is also taken as a quit-smoking aid and for health problems like Alzheimer's disease, attention-deficit … Information Complementary Medicine Depression Depression in Children and Teens Natural Health Products (Herbal Medicines … Information Complementary Medicine Depression Depression in Children and Teens Natural Health Products (Herbal Medicines …
Medical tests
… ratio. This ratio can help your doctor check for problems, such as dehydration, that may cause abnormal BUN … health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you … measured. High values High creatinine blood levels can be caused by: Serious kidney damage or chronic kidney disease. …
Health topics
… ear can lead to an infection (acute otitis media). Young children have a high risk of ear infections, because their … are shorter and more easily blocked than the tubes in older children and adults. What are the symptoms? Blocked … or popping noises in your ears. Or you may have hearing problems or feel a little dizzy. How are they diagnosed? …
Medical tests
… a fluid that helps your body digest fats. If there are problems with the gallbladder, such as gallstones, the … these pictures to look for leaks, blockages, or any other problems. Why It Is Done The HIDA scan may be done to: Help … a fluid that helps your body digest fats. If there are problems with the gallbladder, such as gallstones, the …
Health topics
… can get pinworms, but they are most common in school-aged children. They are usually spread like this: A child … don't carry disease, and they rarely cause serious health problems. Sometimes people get a skin infection from … the first treatment. Pinworm medicine may not be safe for children younger than 2 and women who are pregnant or …