3393 results found
Health topics
… thin and slippery so it's easier to cough up. Follow the eating plan that your doctor suggests. Be active. Activity … thin and slippery so it's easier to cough up. Follow the eating plan that your doctor suggests. Be active. Activity …
Health topics
… blotches on the skin above the level of spinal injury. Sweating above the level of spinal injury. A stuffy nose. … blotches on the skin above the level of spinal injury. Sweating above the level of spinal injury. A stuffy nose. …
Health topics
Health topics
… if you have certain health problems, such as seizures or an eating disorder, or if you misuse alcohol. Side effects can … if you have certain health problems, such as seizures or an eating disorder, or if you misuse alcohol. Side effects can …
Medical tests
… in the blood. This causes high blood pressure, excessive sweating, headaches, fast heartbeats (palpitations), and … in the blood. This causes high blood pressure, excessive sweating, headaches, fast heartbeats (palpitations), and …
Health topics
… choose treatment to prolong your life? You might consider treating your illness if: There is a good chance that it can … lifestyle changes. Other than my heart disease, I'm pretty healthy. My remaining treatment option is a heart … I will need to take a lot of medicines, continue my healthy lifestyle, and see my doctor often. I live a …
… breathing problems. Do not use fentanyl buccal tablets unless you have been regularly taking moderate to large … remember to change sides of the mouth between doses. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using … of suicide), watering eyes, runny nose, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, muscle aches, or sudden changes in behavior. When …
Health topics
… early treatment can slow down the virus and help you stay healthy. Getting treatment may lower the chance that you … and progresses to AIDS, symptoms get worse and the body is less and less able to fight infections like pneumonia and … the virus, these medicines can help the immune system stay healthy and delay or prevent AIDS. And they may help a …
Health topics
… a stroke, manage other health problems, and have a heart-healthy lifestyle. FAQs What is electrical cardioversion? … fibrillation often comes back. Normal rhythm may last less than a day or for weeks or months. How long it lasts … a stroke, manage other health problems, and have a heart-healthy lifestyle. What are the risks of cardioversion? …
Health topics
… the opening between the nail and nail bed. If you're healthy, the infection probably won't cause serious … diabetes or a weak immune system, your doctor may suggest treating the infection, even if it doesn't bother you. How can … Keep your feet and hands dry. Dry skin and nails are less likely to get infected. Put powder on your dry feet or …