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3539 results found
… take a low dose at first, gradually increasing the dose to lower the chance of side effects such as shaking (tremors). … stimulant dose. Consult your doctor for more details. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using … severe tiredness severe confusion sweating fast/irregular heartbeat dark urine signs of kidney …
Health topics
… already relaxed. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe … hands move as you breathe in and out. Practice filling your lower lungs by breathing so that your "belly" (left) hand … this 8 to 10 times. When you have filled and emptied your lower lungs 8 to 10 times, add the second step to your …
Health topics
… surgery to take out your uterus. This is the organ in your lower belly where a fetus grows during pregnancy. After a … or swelling in your lower belly. You have hot flashes, sweating, flushing, or a fast or pounding heartbeat. Your … or swelling in your lower belly. You have hot flashes, sweating, flushing, or a fast or pounding heartbeat. Your …
Health topics
… blood and lymphatic system work together to keep your body healthy. Maybe you've had enlarged lymph nodes, sometimes … Sickle Cell Disease: Preventing Problems and Staying Healthy Sickle Cell Disease: Splenic Sequestration Sickle … blood and lymphatic system work together to keep your body healthy. Maybe you've had enlarged lymph nodes, sometimes …
Health topics
… hemoglobin S. But if that bone marrow is replaced with healthy bone marrow, a person's body may start to produce … who has closely matching bone marrow. This is most often a healthy brother or sister. The child who has sickle cell … hemoglobin S. But if that bone marrow is replaced with healthy bone marrow, a person's body may start to produce …
Health topics
… child what they observed someone else doing well. Practise healthy self-reflection and share with teens what you liked … explain how the physiological signs of stress are actually healthy mechanisms that get their bodies ready for action …
Health topics
… VRE pneumonia and are coughing, which is rare. If you are healthy, your chances of getting a VRE infection are very … isolation of patients infected with VRE. Even though most healthy people are not at risk for becoming infected or … VRE pneumonia and are coughing, which is rare. If you are healthy, your chances of getting a VRE infection are very …
Health topics
… for you. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. The type and amount of exercise that's is safe for … disease. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. Get tests, if you need them, before you get active. … for you. Regular activity can help keep your heart and body healthy. The type and amount of exercise that's is safe for …
Health topics
… or other device may also be used. These devices keep the lower leg and ankle from moving. Rehab follows both of these … partially or completely tear. A tear usually occurs in the lower part of the tendon. Some doctors believe that this … call your doctor to find out what you need to do. Rest your lower leg and foot until treatment begins. Watchful waiting …
… may return. The blood sugar level should be kept up by eating snacks such as crackers, cheese, a meat sandwich, or … problem (such as Addison's disease, pheochromocytoma) not eating/poor eating habits frequent low blood sugar Low blood sugar …