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Health topics
… not likely to have an effect. For this reason, only those people who are motivated and committed to learning it are … body temperature. What is autogenic training used for? Most people use autogenic training (AT) to relieve the symptoms … as generalized anxiety, fatigue, and irritability. Some people use it to manage pain, reduce sleeping disorders such …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Most people know that smoking is not good for their health. But … smoke from your cigarettes ( second-hand smoke ) also puts people around you at risk. Because of second-hand smoke, people who spend time with those who smoke have an increased …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Most people who develop Alzheimer's disease do not have a history … whether a person will develop Alzheimer's disease. Many people who have the ApoE-4 gene do not get Alzheimer's disease, and many people who do not have the gene still develop the disease. …
Health topics
… Overview Opportunistic infections and diseases occur in people whose immune systems have been weakened by a disease … HIV infection. Opportunistic infections that are common in people who have AIDS include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis . People who have AIDS are also more likely to develop cancers …
HealthLinkBC files
… infections (STIs). About 3 out of 4 sexually active people who are unimmunized will get HPV at some time. Every year in B.C. approximately: 210 people will get cervical cancer and 55 will die from the disease 6,000 people will develop high risk changes to the cervix which …
Health topics
… Risks Overview Active surveillance is an option for some people who have slow-growing cancer that hasn't spread … treatment unless tests show the cancer is growing. Some people will never need treatment. It may seem odd to have cancer and not have treatment for it. But many people choose active surveillance because: Most prostate …
Health topics
… about 30 minutes. You can go home when it's done. Some people are able to return to regular activities right away. … when your hemorrhoid falls off. This is normal. Some people are able to return to regular activities right away. … It Works Rubber band ligation works for about 8 out of 10 people. People who have this treatment are less likely to …
Health topics
… for ulcerative colitis. This surgery is not done: For people whose rectal muscles do not work normally. For some people who have colon or rectal cancer. Learn more … This surgery is usually successful. About 7 or 8 out of 10 people have no problems after surgery. And most people say …
Health topics
… the oxygen they need to work. ARDS occurs most often in people who are being treated for another serious illness or … on getting oxygen to the lungs and other organs, and then treating the cause of ARDS. Oxygen therapy may be given … on getting oxygen to the lungs and other organs, and then treating the cause of ARDS. Oxygen therapy may be given …
Health topics
… may not apply to you. Key points to remember Most people will be cured of hyperthyroidism after one dose of … thyroid hormone medicine for the rest of your life. Most people are cured after one dose. Side effects include an … radioactive iodine. The medicine is much more effective in people with mild disease. About 30 out of 100 people will …