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5026 results found
Health topics
… a purpose from your list, and try it out. Talk to a few people who you admire. How are they putting purpose into … be big or grand to be the right fit for you. Find groups of people who have a similar purpose. Maybe you feel called to … join a writing group. Or start a meetup group with other people interested in writing poetry. Volunteer in your …
Health topics
… called an isolation room, to keep you separate from other people. This may be done because you have an infection that … or flu) from escaping the room and infecting other people. A machine pulls air into the room. Then it filters … may be allowed to visit. Children may not be allowed. People who have colds, the flu, or other illnesses won't be …
Health topics
… the rash appeared. The virus is most often spread when people first get sick, before they know they have it. What … of rest and drink lots of fluids. Stay away from other people as much as you can so that you don't spread the … possible. Babies who are younger than 12 months, pregnant people, and people who have impaired immune systems that …
Health topics
… condition can cause paralysis and lead to death. But most people get better and have few lasting problems. What causes … in the legs and arms develops. After about 4 weeks, most people begin to get better. You may need to be treated in … heart rate, and blood pressure are carefully tracked. Some people need a ventilator to help them breathe. In the …
Health topics
… problems are inherited (genetic) and are present at birth. People usually have three types of cone cells in the eye. … may only be able to see a few shades of colour, while most people can see thousands of colours. In rare cases, some people see only black, white, and grey. How is it diagnosed? …
HealthLinkBC files
… Tdap vaccine is recommended and provided free to pregnant people in every pregnancy. The vaccine should be given at … or pertussis vaccine, or to any part of the vaccine. People who developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) within 8 … serious if the breathing muscles are affected. Up to 1 in 5 people who get tetanus may die. Diphtheria is a serious …
HealthLinkBC files
… baby, during pregnancy or birth What are the symptoms? Most people who have HCV feel well, have no symptoms and may not know they have HCV. Some people may have a brief illness with symptoms around 6 weeks … and vomiting Jaundice (yellow skin or eyes) About 75% of people living with HCV will develop chronic (lifelong) HCV. …
HealthLinkBC files
… of hearing loss rises with age. About 65 percent of people over the age of 70 have hearing problems. People over the age of 60 should schedule routine hearing … - An audiologist specializes in evaluating, diagnosing, treating and managing hearing loss, as well as other hearing, …
Health features
… are generally mild and last between 2 to 7 days. Most people infected with Zika virus have no symptoms at all. … . Who is at risk of getting Zika virus? The following people could be at risk of getting Zika virus: People who travel to regions where Zika is circulating. More …
Health topics
… the stitches will be removed in 7 to 14 days. Most people have some breast pain for the first few days after … be hard to find clothes that fit well. How Well It Works People who have breast reduction surgery are often extremely … over time. But scars may remain very noticeable in some people long after surgery. Fortunately, the incisions …