5028 results found
Health topics
… problems linked to dementia do not work very well for most people and may have serious risks. Medicines can be used to … to treat hallucinations, paranoia, and severe agitation in people who have dementia include aripiprazole, haloperidol, … Administration (FDA) have issued advisories stating that people with dementia who use antipsychotics may die sooner …
Health topics
… for several weeks to months after the treatment. Some people also pass a fibroid from the vagina after several … uterine fibroids. It is one type of treatment used in people who don't want to treat fibroids with a hysterectomy … it improves symptoms. But fibroids can come back. Some people need more treatment several years after they have …
Health topics
… was with others, she felt better. She made efforts to see people and get out of the house. "I knew something was going … and helping others also helps her. It helps her to talk to people, or even to herself if no one is around. "It makes a … my way of life—raising my kids to be responsible and good people and my understanding of my religion—and never let go …
Health topics
… But because the human body needs very little chromium, most people get enough in their regular diet and do not require … supplements. Those at risk for chromium deficiency include people with diabetes and the elderly. Why It Is Used … and proteins into energy. Chromium may help some people with type 2 diabetes. It may help them control their …
Health topics
… all that is needed, although this can be difficult for some people. If you have a more serious or chronic voice problem, … if your voice problem is serious? You might be one of those people who gets laryngitis every time you get the common … communicate, you may have a more serious problem. For some people, the changes might get better but then reappear. If …
Health topics
… a progressive loss of the ability to hear that happens as people get older. It affects both ears. It starts with … hearing loss, you may not know it, because older people usually lose their hearing very slowly. Your family … may also help. With this method, you pay attention to people's gestures, expressions, posture, and tone of voice …
Health topics
… it heals. Why It Is Done This treatment may be done for people with severe chronic pain who have: Failed back … And they may help reduce the use of pain medicine in some people. After initial pain relief, these treatments may be … stimulation. Headache from spinal cord stimulation. Some people who have an implanted stimulator may not be able to …
Health topics
… in those lymph nodes, more lymph nodes may be removed. Most people who have breast-conserving surgery also have … help with any nausea, pain, or anxiety you might have. Most people go home the day of the surgery. Your doctor or nurse … a bra day and night for a few days for support. Most people are able to get back to normal activity within a few …
Health topics
… used to treat severe depression . It may be used in people who have symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, … possible to have long-term memory loss after ECT. For some people, memory returns. But for others, there are lasting … medicines for depression. And sometimes ECT is used for people who cannot tolerate the side effects of the medicines …
Medical tests
… tissues instead. This is called an autoimmune reaction. People who have one autoimmune disease may get another one. … that a person has an autoimmune thyroid problem. But some people who have thyroid problems don't test positive for these antibodies. And some people who have these antibodies don't get thyroid disease. …