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… infections such as HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C in people who received TIg. Who should get tetanus immune … immunization history is unknown. TIg is recommended for people with the following types of wounds: A dirty wound … include headache, trouble swallowing, seizures, fever and sweating, high blood pressure and fast heart rate. Up to 1 in …
Health topics
… It includes your warning signs, coping strategies, and people to ask for support. You can write your own safety … up with some sources of support and distraction. Think of people and places that could help shift your attention away … space, like a coffee shop or a bookstore. Make a list of people you can count on for help. Think about who you could …
Health topics
… will probably go home the same day or the next day. Many people can go back to work or their normal routine in 3 to 6 … you will probably be able to go home the same day. Most people have soreness, redness, and swelling in the breast … work or your normal routine in 3 to 6 weeks or sooner. Most people need to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks. …
Health topics
… program or to talk to a counsellor trained to help people quit smoking. People who relapse after 6 weeks of not smoking usually … few times. Don't think of a slip as a sign of failure. Many people who have quit have a few slips at some point. Don't …
Health topics
… happens when you fly across one or more time zones. Most people need to cross three time zones to notice jet lag. The … Jet lag makes you feel bad, but it isn't serious. Most people get better 3 to 4 days after their flight. The … lists have been proved to reduce jet lag, but some people find them helpful. Before you go, and on the plane Be …
Health topics
… used in a medical abortion done under a doctor's care. People choose to self-manage a medical abortion for many … you weren't able to get permission from your guardian. People who have a self-managed medical abortion often wonder … can return to normal activities or strenuous exercise. Most people can return to normal activities 1 to 2 days after an …
Health topics
… (how hard you are breathing, how fast your heart is beating) and muscular strain (how much you feel the exertion … that can be relieved by rest or nitroglycerin. For some people with heart problems, angina always occurs during … (how hard you are breathing, how fast your heart is beating) and muscular strain (how much you feel the exertion …
Health topics
… is. Be actively involved in their activities. And know the people who care for your children, including names, phone … if they are not comfortable with caregivers or any other people. This means that, as a parent, you must listen …
Health topics
… effectively filter blood on their own. When this happens, people can be treated with dialysis, a kidney transplant or … activity while living with kidney failure. Exercise for people on dialysis (My Health Alberta, Canada) Basic …
Health topics
… the cervix usually opens without pain. But some people do have mild symptoms. If you have this condition, … pelvic examinations, or both. Cervical cerclage . For some people, cervical cerclage helps hold the cervix closed with … the cervix usually opens without pain. But some people do have mild symptoms. If you have this condition, …