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5162 results found
Health topics
… your child about online strangers. Explain that online, people can make fake profiles and pretend to be someone … and while texting. These are shortened forms of words that people use to hide their conversations. You can go online to … angry when they can't be online. Texts or calls to and from people you don't know. Gifts, mail, or packages from people
Health topics
… doctor ( ophthalmologist ) who has special training in treating problems of the retina. During surgery, the doctor … does. This may make the surgery and recovery easier for people who have trouble keeping their head in the proper … doctor ( ophthalmologist ) who has special training in treating problems of the retina. During surgery, the doctor …
Health topics
… ways to deal with barriers. For example: Stay away from people who give you a hard time about drinking less. Spend time with people who support your desire to cut back on using alcohol. … or events that make you want to drink. Stay away from people who drink a lot or bars where you used to drink. Plan …
Health topics
… attacks the follicles. Alopecia areata is most common in people younger than 20. But children and adults of any age … of the hair, it sometimes is fine and white. About 10% of people with this condition may never regrow hair. footnote 2 … look, hair loss can result in feeling unattractive. In some people with alopecia areata, the fingernails and toenails …
Health topics
… Asia, the Caribbean, and the Ocean Pacific Islands. Most people infected with Zika don't have any symptoms. When … Symptoms usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel better. Avoid ASA and … Symptoms usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel better. Avoid ASA and …
Health topics
… - every CHC offers different services based on the needs of people living in the areas they serve. They connect underserved people of the community who do not have a primary care …
… warts and other problems). The vaccine is recommended for people at an increased risk of getting these infections. … give first aid treatment, hemophiliacs, dialysis patients, people who live with or spend much time with people with … will need to have hepatitis A or B antibody levels checked yearly. If antibodies drop too low over time, you may be …
Health topics
… by tobacco smoke. More frequent or worse asthma attacks. People with asthma who quit smoking usually have fewer, shorter asthma attacks. More infections. People who smoke have more colds, influenza (flu), and pneumonia than people who don't smoke. After you quit smoking, you will …
Health topics
… It was once known as multiple personality disorder. People who have it have two or more separate personalities. … A mental health professional usually diagnoses DID while treating the person for other conditions like anxiety, … A mental health professional usually diagnoses DID while treating the person for other conditions like anxiety, …
Health topics
… and the less the person's body cells respond to insulin. People who are overweight mostly in the upper body have … the greatest risk for type 2 diabetes. Lack of exercise. People who get little or no exercise often have much greater insulin resistance than people who exercise on a regular basis. Age. Teens and older …