5162 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… life. When cataracts develop the lens becomes cloudy. Most people get cataracts with age and have them in both eyes. One eye may be worse than the other. Most people with cataracts notice difficulties with daily activities (e.g., reading). Some people with cataracts get used to them and do not notice the …
Health topics
… says it's okay for you to put weight on your leg. Many people are able to be active again after about 3 to 4 weeks. … using crutches and wearing a hinged knee brace. Many people are able to be active again after about 8 to 12 … and limiting weight on the leg for at least 6 weeks. Many people are able to be active again after about 8 to 12 …
Health topics
… about past events in his or her life. Sometimes older people say they don't remember much about their past. They … genuinely interested in hearing about his or her life. When people start talking about their past, they often remember … in more detail or to ask questions about specific events or people. To encourage an older adult to talk about the past: …
Health topics
… This happens more often in hot and humid weather. Some people, especially teens and young adults, are more likely … so you may need blood tests while you're taking them. People with liver problems, heart problems, or other health … doctor about taking antifungal pills once a month. Most people don't need to do this, but it can help in some cases. …
Health topics
… include migraine headaches. What about side effects? Some people feel tired, dizzy, or light-headed when they take … Beta-blockers can also make asthma worse. In some people, heart rate or blood pressure can drop too low. If … side effects All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And minor side effects …
HealthLinkBC files
… and some have been shown to cause cancer in humans. Most people are not affected by short-term exposure to the low levels of VOCs found in homes. Some people may be more sensitive, such as people with asthma. For long-term exposure to low levels of …
Health topics
… you to breathe and can reduce your heart's workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from … need and how often to use it. To breathe the oxygen, most people use a nasal cannula (say "KAN-yuh-luh"). This is a thin tube with two prongs that fit just inside your nose. People who need a lot of oxygen may need to use a mask that …
Health topics
… What is myofascial pain syndrome? Most people have muscle pain from time to time. But the pain from … area. A feeling of weakness in the affected muscle. People with chronic myofascial pain may have other health … sleep problems, and fatigue . These problems are common in people who have chronic pain. How is it diagnosed? To …
Health topics
… specialists for multiple health problems. For most people, a certified family doctor is a good choice for … who specialize in the female reproductive system. Some people choose an advanced practice clinician, such as a … doctor use terms you can understand and explain things clearly? Does the doctor spend enough time with you? Can you …
Health topics
… blood pressure medicine exactly as prescribed. Sometimes people find this hard to do. They may feel it's too much … don't feel sick. Or they may worry about side effects. Some people find it hard to keep track of when and how to take … pills properly. Know your medicines. Have your doctor clearly explain what each medicine does. Write down both the …