5033 results found
Health topics
… certain rare diseases. These diseases occur most often in people of Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish … (called carrier testing). Testing may be recommended for people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage who plan to have … and problems with digesting food. Familial dysautonomia. People with this problem cannot feel pain, they sweat a lot, …
Health topics
… quietly for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Why It Is Used People use meditation to help treat a wide range of physical … may also require conventional treatment for best results. People also use meditation to relieve anxieties from … problems may have difficulty practicing meditation. Some people with mental health conditions, such as attention …
Health topics
… who are certified have special training in counselling people who have substance use problems. Are any medical … who are certified have special training in dealing with people who have substance use problems. What treatment … program have aftercare? What has been the success rate for people going through the program? How has success been …
Health topics
… crying for familiar caregivers than for strangers. To draw people to them, they make and keep eye contact, move their … They become expressive and may "flirt" with their doctor or people across a room. Facial expressions now consistently … a powerful bond with their parents and other significant people in their lives. As this bond strengthens, babies …
Health topics
… can include: footnote 1 Arthritis, in 5 to 20 out of 100 people. Some people develop colitis-related arthritis, which may resemble rheumatoid arthritis . In people who have ulcerative colitis, inflammation limited to …
Health topics
… You will probably not need surgery. Only about 5% of people with plantar fasciitis do. footnote 1 This means that out of 100 people with plantar fasciitis, only 5 will need surgery and … it will most likely reduce your heel pain. Of the few people who need surgery, about 75 out of 100 have less pain …
Health topics
… you have ischemia, you may feel angina symptoms. For most people, angina feels like chest pain or pressure. Some people feel short of breath. Some people feel other symptoms. These symptoms include pain, …
Health topics
… your chances of getting thyroid cancer. What To Expect Most people don't feel different after treatment. But a few people may have nausea. Within a few days after treatment, … will depend on your age and on the dose you received. Young people get rid of radioactive iodine faster than older …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done A tuberculin skin test is done to find people who have tuberculosis (TB), including: People who have been in close contact with someone known to … TB. Health care workers who are likely to be exposed to TB. People with TB symptoms, such as an ongoing cough, night …
HealthLinkBC files
… or soil. What are the symptoms of Q fever? About half the people who get Q fever will not show any signs of the … after infection include: Rapid onset of fever Chills and sweating Headache Muscle pain Malaise (a general sick feeling) … and does not need special medical treatment. However, some people may develop pneumonia, liver infection, or rare …