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5033 results found
Health topics
… for ulcerative colitis. This surgery is not done: For people whose rectal muscles do not work normally. For some people who have colon or rectal cancer. Learn more … This surgery is usually successful. About 7 or 8 out of 10 people have no problems after surgery. And most people say …
Health topics
… the oxygen they need to work. ARDS occurs most often in people who are being treated for another serious illness or … on getting oxygen to the lungs and other organs, and then treating the cause of ARDS. Oxygen therapy may be given … on getting oxygen to the lungs and other organs, and then treating the cause of ARDS. Oxygen therapy may be given …
Health topics
… may not apply to you. Key points to remember Most people will be cured of hyperthyroidism after one dose of … thyroid hormone medicine for the rest of your life. Most people are cured after one dose. Side effects include an … radioactive iodine. The medicine is much more effective in people with mild disease. About 30 out of 100 people will …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview People's ideas about depression have changed over the years. … Recovery from depression is expected with treatment. Most people with depression can be treated, and they return to … than you can make asthma or a heart attack go away. "Only people who are very depressed or who think about suicide …
Health topics
… where the thigh bone meets the pelvis in the hip joint. People younger than about age 55 who have hip osteoarthritis … of hip dislocation are less than with hip replacement. And people usually find the hip eventually feels normal after … hip replacement. Hip resurfacing seems to work best for people who have a larger "ball" (femoral head) at the top of …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Most people who get COVID-19 will recover with time and home … clearly Pale, grey, or blue-coloured skin or lips Some people are more likely to get very sick and need medical … to use. Have only one person take care of them. Keep other people—and pets—out of the sickroom. Have the person wear a …
Health topics
… stroke is the most common type of stroke and over 800,000 people live with stroke. Physical activity and stroke … activity sessions of 20 to 60 minutes in length. Some people may need to start with shorter sessions (10 minutes) … FAME is an evidence-based group exercise program for people with stroke who have some standing and walking …
Health topics
… it It is especially important to avoid close contact with people who may be at greater risk of experiencing severe illness, including pregnant people, people with a weakened immune system or children. If you …
Health topics
… stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days after surgery. Most people can go back to work or their usual routine in about 3 … you to be able to have erections again. But with time, most people regain urine control and much of their previous … It is sometimes used to relieve urinary obstruction in people with advanced cancer. But a different surgery, called …
Health topics
… Consider saving these numbers in your phone. Some people who have thoughts of suicide don't want to die. They … problems that may be causing thoughts of suicide. For some people, talking to a spiritual advisor may also help. Know … Here are some ideas to help you get started. Write about people who mean something to you. What do you like about …