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5033 results found
Health topics
… - every CHC offers different services based on the needs of people living in the areas they serve. They connect underserved people of the community who do not have a primary care …
… warts and other problems). The vaccine is recommended for people at an increased risk of getting these infections. … give first aid treatment, hemophiliacs, dialysis patients, people who live with or spend much time with people with long-term hepatitis B or active hepatitis A …
Health topics
… by tobacco smoke. More frequent or worse asthma attacks. People with asthma who quit smoking usually have fewer, shorter asthma attacks. More infections. People who smoke have more colds, influenza (flu), and pneumonia than people who don't smoke. After you quit smoking, you will …
Health topics
… It was once known as multiple personality disorder. People who have it have two or more separate personalities. … A mental health professional usually diagnoses DID while treating the person for other conditions like anxiety, … A mental health professional usually diagnoses DID while treating the person for other conditions like anxiety, …
Health topics
… and the less the person's body cells respond to insulin. People who are overweight mostly in the upper body have … the greatest risk for type 2 diabetes. Lack of exercise. People who get little or no exercise often have much greater insulin resistance than people who exercise on a regular basis. Age. Teens and older …
Health topics
… Overview The first symptom of Lyme disease in most people is an expanding red skin rash (called erythema migrans or an EM rash). In about a third of people, the rash looks like a bull's eye, with a pale centre … but this is rare). Muscle and joint pain. About 20% of people have virus-like symptoms only (no rash) or have no …
Health topics
… (NES) On this page: Overview Overview People with non-epileptic seizures (NES) have periods of … by not recognizing or responding to an emotional conflict. People with NES have periods of loss of or change in … sense of smell or touch. Tingling sensation to the skin. People with NES usually exhibit only one symptom. But if …
Medical tests
… of genes that make normal hemoglobin (hemoglobin A). These people have normal red blood cells unless they have some … (hemoglobin A) and one set that makes hemoglobin S. These people carry the sickle cell trait (and are called " … condition. Two sets of genes that make hemoglobin S. These people have sickle cell disease. Both parents either carry …
HealthLinkBC files
… spreads easily between family members, sexual partners and people in facilities such as care homes. You can spread mites to other people before and after you develop symptoms and for as long … Breasts Genitals Waist Back Buttocks Infants and elderly people may have a rash on the head, neck, palms of hands or …
Health topics
… tell family, friends, and co-workers and to understand how people may react. It may be easier if you prepare for those … sharing. Think ahead about how much you want to tell people at work about the cancer. Consider what kinds of support you want. Many people will ask what they can do to help you. Think about …