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Health topics
… in other parts of the body. Because of this, some people may be at more risk when having dental procedures such as a root canal. People at risk include those who have artificial heart valves or were born with heart defects . These people may need to take antibiotics before and after a root …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some people with diabetes use their insulin syringes and lancets … Talk with your doctor before reusing these items. Some people who have diabetes should not reuse their syringes or lancets, including people who have: Trouble seeing clearly. Trouble using their …
Health topics
… are provided as part of a provincial health care plan, some people may be eligible for services provided by the federal government. This includes veterans and peoples living on reserves and in Indigenous communities. For more information To help people find hospice palliative care services, Health Canada …
Health topics
… a purpose from your list, and try it out. Talk to a few people who you admire. How are they putting purpose into … be big or grand to be the right fit for you. Find groups of people who have a similar purpose. Maybe you feel called to … join a writing group. Or start a meetup group with other people interested in writing poetry. Volunteer in your …
Health topics
… called an isolation room, to keep you separate from other people. This may be done because you have an infection that … or flu) from escaping the room and infecting other people. A machine pulls air into the room. Then it filters … may be allowed to visit. Children may not be allowed. People who have colds, the flu, or other illnesses won't be …
Health topics
… the rash appeared. The virus is most often spread when people first get sick, before they know they have it. What … of rest and drink lots of fluids. Stay away from other people as much as you can so that you don't spread the … possible. Babies who are younger than 12 months, pregnant people, and people who have impaired immune systems that …
Health topics
… condition can cause paralysis and lead to death. But most people get better and have few lasting problems. What causes … in the legs and arms develops. After about 4 weeks, most people begin to get better. You may need to be treated in … heart rate, and blood pressure are carefully tracked. Some people need a ventilator to help them breathe. In the …
Health topics
… problems are inherited (genetic) and are present at birth. People usually have three types of cone cells in the eye. … may only be able to see a few shades of colour, while most people can see thousands of colours. In rare cases, some people see only black, white, and grey. How is it diagnosed? …
HealthLinkBC files
… Tdap vaccine is recommended and provided free to pregnant people in every pregnancy. The vaccine should be given at … or pertussis vaccine, or to any part of the vaccine. People who developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) within 8 … serious if the breathing muscles are affected. Up to 1 in 5 people who get tetanus may die. Diphtheria is a serious …
HealthLinkBC files
… baby, during pregnancy or birth What are the symptoms? Most people who have HCV feel well, have no symptoms and may not know they have HCV. Some people may have a brief illness with symptoms around 6 weeks … and vomiting Jaundice (yellow skin or eyes) About 75% of people living with HCV will develop chronic (lifelong) HCV. …