5033 results found
Health topics
… or worse—by their peers. Is peer pressure always negative? People tend to focus on the bad effects of peer pressure. … abuse . Unsafe use of social media and cell phones. Cheating and shoplifting. Helping your child handle peer … has few friends, peer pressure can push him or her to do unhealthy things. Adolescents still need a parent's help to …
Health topics
… have heard that it can be very tough to quit. If you know people who have quit, tell their quit stories. Don't make … the person if you can check to see how they're doing. Many people like to have something in their mouth. Keep a supply … tobacco or sniffing for smoke. Help with avoiding triggers. People who use tobacco usually have triggers, which are …
HealthLinkBC files
… seizures, deafness, or brain damage. One out of every 3,000 people with measles may die from complications. … a rare disease in Canada. Most cases occur in unimmunized people, including visitors to Canada, who have traveled … in order to be protected against the measles virus. People born before 1970 may not need to get the vaccine as …
Health topics
… connects the muscle to the tibia. What causes them? Most people get shin splints from repeated pounding on hard … instead of working up to a training level gradually. Some people have flat arches in their feet, which can make the … may also lead to shin splints. What are the symptoms? Most people with shin splints feel pain on the front lower part …
Health topics
… it hard for you to swallow or breathe. In Canada, most people have had shots to prevent tetanus, so the disease is relatively rare. People who have never been immunized or haven't had a … last 10 years are more likely to get tetanus. This includes people who recently moved to Canada from countries where …
Health topics
… or sore. You will get medicine to help with pain. Most people can go back to work after 4 to 6 weeks. But it may … or a tumour. The research on how well surgery helps people is not clear. When symptoms such as numbness or … may help you feel better faster. Small studies show that people may have improved symptoms, like better hand …
Health topics
… Non-drug methods of relieving pain may be helpful for people who have fibromyalgia . These can include: Applying heating pads or taking warm baths or showers. Gentle massage … people who have fibromyalgia . These can include: Applying heating pads or taking warm baths or showers. Gentle massage …
Health topics
… are noisy, produce particles that may be irritating to some people, and need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Cleaning is especially important for people who have mould allergies. Follow the directions for … are noisy, produce particles that may be irritating to some people, and need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. …
Health topics
… may be life-threatening. Frequently occurring hemorrhoids . People with hemorrhoids often don't seek treatment right … of blood loss. Long-distance running (runner's anemia ). People who regularly run long distances often have some type … may be life-threatening. Frequently occurring hemorrhoids . People with hemorrhoids often don't seek treatment right …
Health topics
… disorder . This is a behavioural condition in which people have trouble paying attention, may be more active … behaviour, such as violating social rules or hurting other people. Substance use disorder . This means using substances … disorder . This is a behavioural condition in which people have trouble paying attention, may be more active …