5033 results found
Health topics
… A gut infection such as E. coli. Sepsis can occur in people of any age. But it is more common in infants, older adults, and people who have a compromised immune system that cannot … or weeks. An ICU is a part of the hospital where very sick people get care. Equipment in the ICU can support your body. …
Health topics
… see if your symptoms improve. Key points to remember Most people who have mild colitis can control their symptoms with … activities. Having the disease can be stressful. Some people feel alone and depressed. Over time, colitis raises … This surgery is usually successful. About 7 or 8 out of 10 people have no problems after surgery. And most people say …
Health topics
… spreads very easily from person to person. It can affect people of all ages and from all incomes, social levels, and … to person by close contact. They can easily spread between people who live together, sleep in the same bed, or have … especially likely if you have had close contact with other people who have had the same symptoms. Sometimes you may …
HealthLinkBC files
… is recommended, but not provided free, for the following people: Laboratory workers routinely exposed to … travel clinic. The vaccine is usually given as 1 dose. Some people may need additional doses of the vaccine. Speak with … out if you need more doses and when you should get them. People who are not eligible for the free vaccine but want to …
Health topics
… crisis) is a potentially life-threatening condition for people who have hyperthyroidism . Thyroid storm happens when … serious health problem in addition to hyperthyroidism or in people who have untreated or undertreated Graves' disease . … crisis) is a potentially life-threatening condition for people who have hyperthyroidism . Thyroid storm happens when …
Health topics
… infections in B.C. Preventing waterborne infections for people with weakened immune systems In some cases, water can … for households with infants, children or pregnant people. If you are uncertain about anything related to your …
Health topics
… start at a specific focus or location within the brain. In people with this type of disorder, the electrical charges … the affected area of the brain is also an option for some people who have focal seizures. Epilepsy … start at a specific focus or location within the brain. In people with this type of disorder, the electrical charges …
Health topics
… that have brushed against the plants. Animal fur. Unlike people, animals do not get a rash when exposed to poison … carry the oil on their fur, where it may be spread to people who touch the animals. Exposure to smoke. Urushiol … that have brushed against the plants. Animal fur. Unlike people, animals do not get a rash when exposed to poison …
Health topics
… symptoms last for 24 hours or longer and go away. For most people, MS follows a relapsing-remitting course, at least at … after each relapse, and new symptoms often develop. Most people live with MS for decades. Many become more disabled … symptoms last for 24 hours or longer and go away. For most people, MS follows a relapsing-remitting course, at least at …
Health topics
… muscle spasm, and temporomandibular disorder . For most people, this surgery is elective, based on personal choice. … the hardship and expense of the surgery. For those few people who also have serious functional problems, such as … muscle spasm, and temporomandibular disorder . For most people, this surgery is elective, based on personal choice. …