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… this page: Overview Overview People who have sickle cell disease can sometimes have … it can cause vision problems. This most often occurs in people who have hemoglobin SC disease, a type of sickle cell … Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview People who have sickle cell disease can sometimes have …
Health topics
… Overview Overview For years, people have used cranberry juice to prevent and help cure … products to prevent UTIs may be expensive, and some people don't like the taste. No single concentration of … . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview For years, people have used cranberry juice to prevent and help cure …
Health topics
… such as reading, walking, or listening to music. For some people, these work very well. What are some examples? … pain relief options for childbirth are safe. But for some people, they may not offer enough pain relief. Talk to your … such as reading, walking, or listening to music. For some people, these work very well. What are some examples? …
Health topics
… disease (GERD). Treat ulcers. Help prevent problems in people who are at risk for ulcers, like those who take … your stomach makes more acid. What about side effects? Many people don't have side effects. And minor side effects might … side effects All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And minor side effects …
Health topics
… you once believed about life, death, and suffering. Some people are able to find comfort, courage, and hope from their beliefs. But if you're like a lot of people, you just feel lost. And that's not because you're … you comfort? Do you feel the need to be alone or with other people? Are there practices in your religion that you …
Health topics
… for a few years and is usually reserved for younger people. What To Expect Recovery depends on the surgical … Osteotomy is an appropriate treatment for younger, active people with osteoarthritis who are able to delay a total … How Well It Works Osteotomy is most often done in younger people. It can help relieve pain and delay the need for …
Health topics
… The doctor will check it for abnormal cells. Most people go home 1 to 4 hours after the procedure. You can … after your procedure, try placing a hot water bottle or heating pad on your lower belly. Why It Is Done An excisional … after your procedure, try placing a hot water bottle or heating pad on your lower belly. Why It Is Done An excisional …
Health topics
… crust over. They usually heal in 7 to 10 days. For some people, cold sores can be very painful. Some people have the virus but don't get cold sores. They have no … may also be taken daily. This can be especially helpful for people who have frequent and painful outbreaks. There is no …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Travel vaccines are recommended for people travelling to or working in some countries. It is … while you are travelling. Who should get the vaccine? People travelling to or working in South Asia including … bacteria, such as certain researchers and lab employees People who live in the same house or have sexual contact …
Health topics
… gambling disorder isn't clear, but certain things put people at higher risk. For example, it seems to run in … groups like Gamblers Anonymous support and educate people who are trying to regain control of their life. … to find resources and referrals for people who want to quit gambling. If you're thinking about …