5033 results found
Medical tests
… entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. How It Feels Some people find it uncomfortable to lie curled up on their side. … where the leak is occurring in order to seal the leak. Some people develop a headache after having a spinal tap. Of … the procedure may help the headache be less severe. A few people who have a spinal tap have a minor nerve injury. This …
Health topics
… Achilles tendon tear may include a sudden, sharp pain. Most people feel or hear a pop. You may have swelling and … be able to point your foot down or stand on your toes. Some people with partial tears may not have any symptoms. How is … more often than before. Age. Most Achilles tears occur in people older than 30. Weight. People who are very heavy have …
Health topics
… medicine, hormones, or surgery. This decision aid is for people who have decided to treat their uterine fibroids. … don't plan to get pregnant. It may not be recommended for people who have plans to get pregnant. The procedure has an … doctor doesn't have to make any cuts in your skin. For most people, this means no hospital stay and a quicker return to …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview As with other substances, some people develop a mental health condition related to their … these symptoms don't mean that you can't quit smoking. Many people have overcome this problem. And most of them started … our content . … Overview As with other substances, some people develop a mental health condition related to their …
Health topics
… The surgery usually requires a 2-day hospital stay. Most people recover completely within about 6 weeks. Why It Is … and it has fewer side effects. How Well It Works In most people, thalamotomy can improve tremor. There is no evidence … The surgery usually requires a 2-day hospital stay. Most people recover completely within about 6 weeks. Why It Is …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Many people want to cope better with the stress in their lives … relaxing." "I don't know what would help me." "Too many people need me." "Everything else seems more important." "I … Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Many people want to cope better with the stress in their lives …
Health topics
… back. This means staying home and limiting contact with people in your home. You'll need to wash your hands often … touch. And be sure to wear a mask when you're around other people. This is also good advice if you think you have the … back. This means staying home and limiting contact with people in your home. You'll need to wash your hands often …
Health topics
… disorder? Schizoaffective disorder is a condition in which people have the symptoms of schizophrenia and a mood … disorder. It may have different causes for different people. It's not caused by anything you did or how your … disorder? Schizoaffective disorder is a condition in which people have the symptoms of schizophrenia and a mood …
Health topics
… or bloody. What happens when you have pPROM? Many people with pPROM have their baby within 1 week. It may take longer. Some people carry the pregnancy to term. If you think your water … or bloody. What happens when you have pPROM? Many people with pPROM have their baby within 1 week. It may take …
Health topics
… headache: Migraine without aura (common migraine). Most people with migraines have common migraines. This type of … with an aura. Migraine with aura (classic migraine). Some people with migraines get an aura up to 30 minutes before … headache: Migraine without aura (common migraine). Most people with migraines have common migraines. This type of …