5033 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Haemophilus influenzae Type b (DTaP-IPV-Hib) Vaccine Some people 5 years of age and older with certain medical … are at high risk of Hib infection. The vaccine is free to people who have: No spleen or a spleen that is not working … face-to-face contact. It also spreads through saliva when people kiss or share things such as food, utensils and …
HealthLinkBC files
… safe as it can still cause harm to a person’s health. People who do not smoke should avoid vaping. However, for … the vaping sessions that are hardest to eliminate (for many people, this is the first session after waking up) Reduce … for First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous people who want to quit smoking, vaping or using commercial …
Health topics
… about what your life will be like after a colostomy. Many people who have colostomies lead active, normal lives. … bags are odour-proof. They don't show under clothes. Other people won't know that you have a colostomy unless you … nurse can help you learn to care for your colostomy. Most people go home 4 to 7 days after the surgery. You will …
Health topics
… by a period of rest, walking, and selected exercises. Most people who have arthroscopic meniscectomy can bear weight a … reduces the cushioning and stability of the joint. Most people, especially if they are young or active, aren't … to remove as little of the meniscus as they can. Younger people who have a meniscus tear from an injury are the most …
Health topics
… or naproxen, to relieve inflammation and pain. Some people take NSAIDs at least 30 minutes before doing … pain and allow them to do and enjoy the exercise. Other people take NSAIDs after they exercise. Be safe with … Stretching exercises before getting out of bed Many people with plantar fasciitis have intense heel pain in the …
Health topics
… like to go to the salon or barber shop. It's part of many people's routine, and it can be a chance to see and meet other people. If the person can't go out but can pay for a … It is also possible to wash someone's hair in bed. Some people may not like the feeling of water on their head or …
Health topics
… severe, based on how often your lungs don't get enough air. People with sleep apnea often have sleep problems. They also … can wake you up, disturbing your sleep. Heart failure. Many people with heart failure have trouble sleeping. This may be … trouble breathing or because of depression or anxiety. Many people with heart failure also have sleep apnea. Chronic …
Health topics
… and other treatments. Key points to remember Most people can manage osteoarthritis pain with medicine, … bones and replaces them with plastic or metal pieces. Most people are able to get out of bed with some help on the day of surgery. Some people stay in the hospital 1 or 2 days. You will start …
… is not usually used for more than 7 to 10 days when treating insomnia. Long-term use can cause the medication to … the medication (rebound insomnia). Though it helps many people, this medication may sometimes cause addiction. This … is not usually used for more than 7 to 10 days when treating insomnia. Long-term use can cause the medication to …
Health topics
… treatment. The classification criteria are used to evaluate people who have swelling in at least one joint that is not … (anti-CCP or ACPA). These are usually higher than normal in people who have rheumatoid arthritis. You may hear these … treatment. The classification criteria are used to evaluate people who have swelling in at least one joint that is not …