6351 results found
Health topics
… 100 children with persistent asthma began wheezing before 6 months of age and about 75 out of 100 began wheezing by 3 … may protect a child from developing asthma. footnote 2 If your child has persistent asthma, he or she may have: … severe enough to require a hospital stay. Asthma as your child grows It is likely that your child will not …
HealthLinkBC files
… water while you swim. You can also become infected by eating raw or undercooked food contaminated with cysts. … cells lining the intestinal tract. This damage may cause your body to have trouble absorbing nutrients. These types … ice cubes, washing uncooked fruits and vegetables, making baby formula, brushing teeth or rinsing dentures. You can …
Health topics
… machine. That took me a long time. I bet I was there 6 or 7 months before I moved on to another machine. I was really … a little bit farther. It makes you feel pretty good about yourself." Making physical activity a routine Kris says that … lifelong thing that I'm going to have to do to stay fit and healthy." Kris's story reflects her experiences as told in …
Health topics
… Overview When you have diabetes, your feet need extra care and attention. Diabetes can damage the nerve endings and blood vessels in your feet, making you less likely to notice when your feet are injured. Diabetes also limits your body's …
Health topics
… What are the most important things you need to know about your medicines? Make sure you know about each of the … general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are …
Health topics
… a duck? Or would you take it personally and feel bad about yourself, or even get angry about it? If you turn small … They take the joy out of life-and they can take a toll on your physical health. That's why it's so important to learn … just learned that you have a health problem. You might tell yourself "My life will never be the way it used to be" or …
Health topics
… to you, body fluids from an infected person have to enter your body. The virus can enter your body through broken skin … levels and blood pressure. Blood transfusions, if needed. Treating other infections if they occur. Help with breathing … levels and blood pressure. Blood transfusions, if needed. Treating other infections if they occur. Help with breathing …
Health topics
… Overview Being active is an important part of growing up healthy. But active kids can get hurt, especially when they … some basics about safety. As a parent, you can't protect your child from every injury. But you can help your child … leg cramps while walking or running. Playing hard and sweating without drinking fluids can cause dehydration and …
Health topics
… Sugar On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor will give you goals for your blood sugar and … ways to treat high blood sugar. Here are some general guidelines for treating it. Treat mild to moderate high blood sugar. Follow …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … can be absorbed through the skin and may harm an unborn baby, women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant … should not handle this medication. It may take 3 to 6 months to notice an improvement in symptoms. Tell your …