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Health topics
… usually are the worst for the first 3 or 4 days. In most healthy people, the flu will go away in 7 to 10 days. But it … Colds usually last 1 to 2 weeks. As the cold gets worse, your nose may get stuffy with thicker mucus . You can catch … usually are the worst for the first 3 or 4 days. In most healthy people, the flu will go away in 7 to 10 days. But it …
Health topics
… has a bowel movement because they have been taught that a healthy child has a bowel movement every day. This is not … important as whether the child can pass stools easily. If your child's stools are soft and pass easily, he or she is … has a bowel movement because they have been taught that a healthy child has a bowel movement every day. This is not …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … who plan to have children or are pregnant. If you or your partner has a grandparent with this heritage or a … your doctor about genetic counselling and screening your baby. Your baby may be tested using a sample of your blood …
Health topics
… it means being diagnosed before 65. Things that increase your risk include: Inherited risk factors. A tendency to … diets. Changing these behaviours may greatly reduce your chance of having coronary artery disease. Related … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… Behaviour changes These may include: Changes in sleeping or eating habits or having less interest in sex. Paying less … eyes. Losing weight without trying to, or not feeling like eating. Seeing things that don't exist (hallucinations). … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… or in the hospital. Where you have it depends on how severe your pre-eclampsia is. Expectant management at home If you have signs of pre-eclampsia early in pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may prescribe expectant management at … Check your blood pressure. Check your weight. Monitor your baby's movements. Keep a written record of your results, …
Health topics
… birth, low birth weight, and health problems for you and your babies. And it raises the risk of one or more of the babies having a disability. Talk to your doctor about how you can increase your chances of conception and decrease the chances of …
Health topics
… pills. The sugar pills don't contain any hormones. You have your period on that week. But other packs have no sugar … called continuous use. With this method, you will not get your period as often. Or you may not get it at all. How well … out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines …
Health topics
… nails. It is more common with nails that are left on for 3 months or longer. This type of infection can also happen if … infection or an allergic reaction to the artificial nail. Your natural nail separates from the nail bed while you are … the two nails if an artificial nail has separated from your natural nail and you don't suspect an infection. Dip …
Health topics
… A birthmark is a coloured mark on or under a newborn baby's skin. Some birthmarks show up soon after a baby is … as propranolol or corticosteroids. Laser therapy. Surgery. Your options will depend on the type of birthmark, where it is, and what problems it's causing. Treating a birthmark can be a big decision. The treatments may …