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6349 results found
Health topics
… pass out when you have an alcohol blackout. But you do lose your memories of the event. Injuries and illnesses you can't … not eat well, and lose weight. Notice tiny blood vessels on your skin that look like spider webs (spider angiomas). See swelling or redness of the palms of your hands. Have redness on your face, especially your nose …
Health topics
… Even if you're careful and do all the right things, your child can have problems with low or high blood sugar. … to do if they occur. Symptoms of low blood sugar include: Sweating. Feeling weak and hungry. But your child's symptoms … minutes after exercise or after taking insulin without eating enough. Symptoms of high blood sugar include: Feeling …
Health topics
… and physical activity later in life. Things that increase your risk for osteoporosis include: Your age. Bones … Some medical conditions, such as hyperparathyroidism or an eating disorder, can increase your risk for osteoporosis. … Some medical conditions, such as hyperparathyroidism or an eating disorder, can increase your risk for osteoporosis. …
Health topics
… of birth control. Have missed one or more periods. Have your period, but there is a lot less bleeding than usual. … risky to miss a pill early in the cycle or pack or to start your new pack a day or two late. Have other symptoms of … practice the following good health habits until you see your doctor: Eat a balanced diet. Do not smoke. Do not use …
Health topics
… this page and fill in the information if you are bringing your child in for an appointment. What questions or concerns … the following areas? If yes, describe the problem. Sleeping Eating Bowel or bladder Speech and language Hearing Vision … the following areas? If yes, describe the problem. Sleeping Eating Bowel or bladder Speech and language Hearing Vision …
Health topics
… People around you may not notice anything different about your behaviour. You might do the things you normally do, … high, or a seizure . You probably will not remember hurting yourself or having a seizure. If you think you have … don't drive or operate any kind of machinery. Talk to your doctor about your blackouts. You might need to be …
Health topics
… dressing, walking or otherwise being mobile, writing, or eating. These devices can be simple, such as special hooks … be controlled by a mouth switch if you are unable to use your limbs. Examples include: Bathing tools, such as tub or … dressing, walking or otherwise being mobile, writing, or eating. These devices can be simple, such as special hooks …
Health topics
… pain clinic. Treatment for pain includes avoiding alcohol, eating a low-fat diet, using pain medicine, and in some cases taking enzyme pills to help rest your pancreas. Analgesics. You may be able to help your pain … pain clinic. Treatment for pain includes avoiding alcohol, eating a low-fat diet, using pain medicine, and in some …
Health topics
… the uterus or ovaries. Very low or very high body weight. Eating disorders, such as anorexia , bulimia , or fad … hymen , then you may have surgery. For other causes, your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy to help control … the uterus or ovaries. Very low or very high body weight. Eating disorders, such as anorexia , bulimia , or fad …
Medical tests
… disease . A tumour in an adrenal gland. How To Prepare If your doctor tells you to fast before your test, do not eat or drink anything except water for 9 to 12 hours before you have your blood drawn. In most cases, you are allowed to take …