6349 results found
Health topics
… friend than at home. Here are some tips that may increase your safety. Keep in mind that this information is not … for resources on getting help in your area.Call your provincial health line ( 8-1-1 in most provinces and …
Health topics
… chronic kidney disease means that kidney disease has caused your anemia. Your doctor will have ruled out other causes of … treatments include: Diet changes. Ask your doctor if eating more foods high in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 … treatments include: Diet changes. Ask your doctor if eating more foods high in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 …
Health topics
… Overview Peritoneal dialysis uses a membrane inside your body ( peritoneal membrane ) as a filter. It clears … to take your medicines as instructed and follow your eating plan. Risks The most common complications from … to take your medicines as instructed and follow your eating plan. Risks The most common complications from …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A swallowing study is a test that shows what your throat and esophagus do while you swallow. The test … foods coated with barium. The barium shows the movements of your throat and esophagus on the X-ray while you swallow. Why It Is Done The test helps your doctor see why you're having trouble swallowing. After …
Health topics
… suspect low blood sugar in a child. Mild low blood sugar If your blood sugar drops below 4.0 mmol/L, you may have symptoms of mild low blood sugar, such as: Sweating (almost always present). Feeling nervous, shaky, and … partner or other family members may notice that you are sweating and behaving differently. Signs of low blood sugar at …
Health topics
… Overview Oxygen therapy helps you get more oxygen into your lungs and bloodstream. You may use it if you have a … mask is less portable and gets in the way of talking and eating. Why It Is Done Oxygen therapy increases the amount … mask is less portable and gets in the way of talking and eating. Why It Is Done Oxygen therapy increases the amount …
Health topics
… Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fibre. Drink … lower the risk for diverticulitis. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluids, and … lower the risk for diverticulitis. How can you prevent it? Eating a high-fibre diet, getting plenty of fluids, and …
Health topics
… pregnancy for 2.5 to 10 years, depending on the type. Your doctor will remove your IUD after this time or if you have a medical problem. … you want to become pregnant, you can start trying to have a baby as soon as you like. If you don't want to become …
Health topics
… into veins Long periods of time without sleeping or eating Personality changes Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Drug Use and Your Health Current as of: March 22, 2023 Author: … into veins Long periods of time without sleeping or eating Personality changes Alcohol and …
Health topics
… Cancer: controlling nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy Eating well during cancer treatment Hair loss from cancer … Cancer support: Managing stress Cancer support: When your cancer comes back or gets worse Home treatment Cancer: … melanoma Skin cancer, non-melanoma Skin cancer: Protecting your skin Testicular cancer Testicular cancer Testicular …