6351 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… such as anxiety and insomnia. If you are concerned about your physical or mental health symptoms, please consult your … bugs? There are physical control and chemical options for treating bed bug infestations. Effective control requires a … label specifically says to do so Do not use pesticides on baby cribs, playpens or toys Qualified pesticide …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … (such as peripheral neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia), eating disorder (bulimia), or other mental/mood problems … symptoms: fever muscle stiffness severe confusion sweating fast/irregular heartbeat A very serious allergic …
Health topics
… fracture is a break in a small bone on the thumb side of your wrist. This is also called a navicular fracture. Of the eight carpal bones in your wrist, your scaphoid bone is the one most likely to … 6 weeks, while others may have to wear a cast for several months. How long your wrist takes to heal depends on how …
Health topics
… toenail can have a number of different causes. Cutting your toenail too short or rounding the edge of the nail can … as stubbing it. This can cause the nail to grow inward. Repeating an activity that injures the nail, such as kicking a … destroy the root, it will begin to grow back within a few months. After the surgery it is important to take care of …
Health topics
… nothing touches the area. Be constant or come and go for months or even years. Be mild or very bad. Be felt during … up when you sit on a bicycle, put in a tampon, or wipe your vulva. Other symptoms may include: Burning or stinging. … Itching. Swelling. Throbbing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will first ask you about your past health, your …
Health topics
… need to take care of the incision as it heals. Caring for your incision may help lower the risk of problems like infection. Your doctor may have used stitches, staples, skin glue, or … care. Don't expose your incision to direct sun for 3 to 9 months after surgery. As an incision heals, the new skin …
Health topics
… You may worry about money. You may be worried that your provincial health plan or private insurance won't cover … if you take time for treatment, you will not be able to get your job done or pay your bills. You may feel that asking … the event. But if you're still thinking about it several months after the event, or if it's disturbing your life, you …
Health topics
… of good nursing homes. Visit several nursing homes with your family. Most nursing homes have an admissions coordinator who is able to answer your questions and show you the facility. Discuss what you … to province. Most training programs are several weeks to months in length. They provide training to care for elderly, …
Health topics
… Genetic (HFE) Screening? Screening tests help your doctor look for a certain disease or condition before any symptoms appear. This can increase your chance of finding the problem at a curable or more … it. You may decide to have HFE testing if other people in your family have hereditary hemochromatosis and: You want to …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … periods may occur, especially during the first few months of use. If any of these effects last or get worse, … shortness of breath chest/jaw/left arm pain unusual sweating confusion coughing up blood sudden dizziness/fainting …