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4908 results found
Health topics
… symptoms. Have a non-surgical procedure that cuts off the blood flow to hemorrhoids. This works only for internal … ligation seems to work best. But it also appears to have a higher risk of complications, especially pain. Rubber band … sometimes come back after surgery. Personal stories about treating hemorrhoids These stories are based on information …
Healthy eating
… vitamin K every day for good health. Vitamin K helps your blood to clot when you are bleeding. People who take … about the same amount of vitamin K each day. Warfarin is a blood thinning medication. Vitamin K also helps to build … older 90 mcg Breastfeeding women 19 and older 90 mcg *Very high amounts of vitamin K supplements could still have side …
Health topics
… warm up. Remain calm. Fear or too much activity causes sweating. Sweating can make you feel chilled. Find shelter so … sweat. Whirl your arms around like a windmill to get your blood moving and warm you up. Activity makes body heat and … warm fluids that do not contain caffeine or alcohol. Eat high-energy foods, such as candy. Do not give food or drink …
Health topics
… Panic attacks are common. They sometimes occur in otherwise healthy people. An attack starts suddenly and usually lasts … started soon after you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine. Yes Medicine may be causing … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… your doctor will likely do a pelvic examination, a blood test, and an ultrasound. How is an ectopic pregnancy … pregnancy is found later or is causing internal bleeding or high hCG levels. The surgery may be done through one or more … doctor removes a part of the fallopian tube. The remaining healthy fallopian tube may be reconnected. This surgery is …
HealthLinkBC files
… has a fever and their temperature rises suddenly, sometimes higher than 39.5°C (103°F). The rapid rise in temperature … Keep clothing light, just a shirt and shorts or a diaper Treating the fever. Your child should rest in bed until the … Food is less important. If your child is hungry, then eating is fine; but if your child does not have an appetite, …
Health topics
… your child, talk with the doctor. The doctor may be able to lower the dose or change the medicine. Common side effects … be aware of them. Watch for: Chest pain or the heart beating fast or irregularly (palpitations). Allergic … or itching. Manic behaviour. This may include having very high energy, sleeping less than normal, being more impulsive …
Medical tests
… a feeling of a lump in the throat, or mucus with blood in it. Check injuries to the throat, narrowing of the … bright light hooked to it. He or she may ask you to make a high-pitched "e-e-e-e" sound or a low-pitched "a-a-a-a" … at the back of the throat ( epiglottitis ), you may have a higher chance of problems. If complete blockage of the …
… has rarely caused very serious (possibly fatal) strokes, blood clots in the lungs/legs, and cancer of the uterus. If … or timing of bleeding), unusual vaginal discharge, or pain/pressure below your "belly button" (navel). Uses Tamoxifen … It is also used to reduce the chances of breast cancer in high-risk patients. This medication can block the growth of …
… of: breathing problems (such as emphysema, asthma) high pressure in the eye (glaucoma) high blood pressure kidney problems liver problems seizures … pills") or if you have conditions such as severe sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. Talk to your doctor about …