4908 results found
Health topics
… a problem as long as your baby seems comfortable and is healthy and growing, and as long as the stools aren't hard. … change as your baby grows? As your baby grows and begins eating solid foods, you may notice changes in your baby's … such as vomiting. Your baby's stools are: Maroon or very bloody. Black (and your baby has already passed meconium). …
… Otherwise, it may cause overdose (even death). To lower your risk, your doctor should have you use the … how to treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after a dose … remember to change sides of the mouth between doses. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using …
Health topics
… and reduces your risk for a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. Knowing why you want to … these things for at least 2½ hours a week to get and stay healthy: footnote 1 Moderate activity means things like …
… breath/rapid breathing, chest/jaw/left arm pain, unusual sweating, sudden dizziness/fainting, pain/swelling/warmth in … called antibodies (a type called IgG) that come from healthy human blood (plasma). These antibodies help protect … skin. The recommended sites for injection are the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, and hips. Patients who are getting immune …
… US to help prevent COVID-19 infection in people who have a high risk for infection after exposure to someone infected … the combination of casirivimab and imdevimab is for treating COVID-19. Study results show that casirivimab and … help right away if you notice any of these symptoms. A slower rate of infusion may help to lessen the risk of this …
HealthLinkBC files
… come from? Combustion by-products come from any heating appliances that burn fuel, for example wood heaters … If you have heart disease, it may cause chest pain High levels of carbon monoxide exposure can cause loss of … www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/factsheet-cooking-and-indoor-air-quality.html …
… by mouth as directed by your doctor. If you are self-treating, follow all directions on the product package. If you … oil may leak from the rectum, especially when taken at high doses. The leakage may dirty clothes and cause irritation/itching around the anus. Lowering or dividing the dose may help decrease this …
Health topics
… Try not to stand for long periods. Lie down to take pressure off your bottom. Keep bowel movements soft to avoid …
Health topics
… Reduced bleeding and cramping with periods, which lowers the risk of anemia . Fewer or no periods. Reduced … you from pregnancy if they are exposed to direct sun or high heat. This can release a high dose of hormone from the … that women using the patch are more likely to get dangerous blood clots in the legs and lungs. The risk may be higher if …
Health topics
… a caesarean section (C-section). Most breech babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Your doctor may … will carefully watch your uterus. There's a chance that the pressure and movement might start contractions. There's also … or squeezing of the umbilical cord . This can reduce blood flow and oxygen to your baby. The start of labour. …