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Health topics
… new bedwetting, or other changes in urination habits. Lower belly pain. Urine that is red, pink, cloudy, or that … UTIs in children can lead to other kidney problems, high blood pressure , and other complications. Examinations … infection (sepsis). Your doctor is likely to start treating your child based on the symptoms and urine test. …
Health topics
… such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis , may include: Blood tests or cultures. Blood tests may help tell if you have antibodies to a … or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) . Doctors can use blood cultures to test for bacteria in your bloodstream. …
Health topics
… of the world. And that can make it hard to get in a good, healthy routine. The following tips may help you make some … of the elevator. Try to eat meals, at regular times. Eating at set times is important for your body. Be aware … you fall asleep earlier and sleep through the night. Have healthy sleep habits. Examples of healthy habits include: …
Health topics
… to make more hormones. Thyroid hormone levels are too high, so they secrete less TRH and TSH. This reduces hormone … Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. Change how fast food moves … Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. Change how fast food moves …
… Do not crush, chew, split, or dissolve the tablets. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using … blurred vision, seeing floaters/flashes of light) signs of high phosphate levels (such as muscle cramps, mental/mood … especially of: eye disorders high level of phosphate in the blood liver disease kidney disease Before having surgery, …
Health topics
… this page: Stretch marks (striae) on abdomen, breasts, and thighs Dry, itchy skin Increased fatigue Muscle cramps in … feet Be physically active Take a warm bath and stretch your lower leg area before going to bed Hemorrhoids Avoid … Before going to bed try: Taking a warm, relaxing bath Eating a snack with a warm drink Using extra pillows for …
Health topics
… more than 2 to 3 times per day) or is accompanied by lower abdominal (pelvic) pain or vaginal bleeding. These … more than 2 to 3 times per day) or is accompanied by lower abdominal (pelvic) pain or vaginal bleeding. These …
HealthLinkBC files
… include: Watery diarrhea, which in serious cases may become bloody Nausea Vomitiing Stomach cramps Mild fever The … E. coli is present in the intestines and feces of many healthy animals including cattle, goats, sheep, deer and … any fruits and vegetables with cold running water before eating them raw, even if they will be peeled or cut. Use a …
… medication to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting. Eating several small meals, not eating before treatment, or … speaking vision changes confusion This medication may lower your ability to fight infections. This may make you … Lab and/or medical tests (such as heart exams, complete blood count) should be done before you start using this …
Health topics
… your skin from the cold and wind. These triggers cause the blood vessels in the face to relax and open wider (dilate), producing a sudden increase in blood flow and causing the face to flush. Triggers for … your skin from the cold and wind. These triggers cause the blood vessels in the face to relax and open wider (dilate), …