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… On this page, learn information on how to stay safe and healthy this spring. Featured topics Asthma Asthma is a … Sumac Staying Healthy Around Animals Seasonal allergies Flowers are starting to bloom and plants are starting to grow … and the sun is getting stronger, which means there is a higher risk of getting a sunburn. Learn how to enjoy the …
HealthLinkBC files
… an abnormal prion attacks the brain, killing cells and creating gaps in tissue or sponge-like patches. The vCJD prion … it can be passed from someone with vCJD to others through blood transfusions, though this is extremely rare. It can … supply. None of the reported cases of vCJD resulted from eating Canadian beef. How does a cow get BSE? The abnormal …
Health topics
… snake venom from binding to tissues and causing serious blood, tissue, or nervous system problems. Side effects from … the bite. Snake venoms can cause many problems, such as: Blood-clotting problems. Injury to muscles. Low blood pressure leading to shock . Kidney damage. Nervous system …
Health topics
… visit in the second trimester, you'll be weighed and your blood pressure will be checked. Your urine may be checked for … between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. A complete blood count (CBC) to make sure you don't have iron …
Health topics
… or dissolve. The contents of those cells leak into the blood. When it's in the blood, that material can travel to various parts of the body … as: Severe muscle injury. This might be caused by prolonged pressure on muscle tissue, heat exhaustion, extreme physical …
Health topics
… feel like lumps just under the nipple and can cause a bloody discharge from the nipple. Women close to menopause … painful and can occur anywhere in the breast or nipple. Blood clots Blood clots in a vein (thrombophlebitis) can feel like a …
Health topics
… usually stop the pain in 15 to 30 minutes. The cool water lowers the skin temperature and stops the burn from becoming … for correct use. Wrap the burn loosely to avoid putting pressure on the burned skin. Do not tape a bandage so that … usually stop the pain in 15 to 30 minutes. The cool water lowers the skin temperature and stops the burn from becoming …
Health topics
… severe. Your examinations may include: Measurement of your blood pressure while lying down on your left side, standing up, or … the base and top of your uterus (fundal height). Follow-up blood and urine tests. Questions to determine whether you …
Health topics
… bleeding in the esophagus. Variceal bleeding occurs when pressure increases in the portal vein system and the veins in the esophagus enlarge to help blood flow through the liver. It also may be used to prevent … vein (varice). Banding the vein in this manner will cut off blood flow through the vein. It may be hard to use this …
Health topics
… your first trimester, you'll be weighed and have your blood pressure checked. Your urine may also be checked for … Options include: First-trimester screening. This includes blood tests and a certain type of ultrasound. These tests …