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… bimatoprost in your eyes may make it less effective for treating glaucoma. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for more … other upper eyelid. This medication is not for use on the lower eyelids. If any medication gets into the eye, do not … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: eye pressure problems (such as glaucoma) other eye problems …
Health topics
… sprains can develop long-term joint pain and weakness. Treating a sprained ankle can help prevent ongoing ankle … before. The doctor will check your foot and ankle, your lower leg, and even your knee to see if you are hurt … on the label. It may help to wear hiking boots or other high-top, lace-up shoes for support. But be careful. Don't …
Health topics
… If your pain or illness improves, your doctor will slowly lower the amount you are getting until your body no longer … Physiotherapy or light massage (not deep tissue or intense pressure) to promote relaxation. Before you try a … If your pain or illness improves, your doctor will slowly lower the amount you are getting until your body no longer …
Health topics
… to pick up things off the floor or grab items that are high up in cabinets or closets. Use padded or large-handled … to lift it up. Use an adjustable chair that supports your lower back and lets you adjust the height so your feet rest … to lift it up. Use an adjustable chair that supports your lower back and lets you adjust the height so your feet rest …
Health topics
… the sole of the foot, has not developed normally and is lowered or flattened out. One foot or both feet may be … want to return to a heavy sports program, or people who are highly motivated—may choose more intensive strengthening and … the sole of the foot, has not developed normally and is lowered or flattened out. One foot or both feet may be …
Health topics
… your last period. At 20 weeks, the fundus will be about as high as your belly button. The size of the uterus is … are many things that can make the fundus seem higher or lower than it really is. For example, the fetus may be in an … are many things that can make the fundus seem higher or lower than it really is. For example, the fetus may be in an …
Health topics
… women with polycystic ovary syndrome should try to lower their body mass index (BMI) with diet and exercise. … ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome . The monitoring requires blood tests and ultrasound. Laparoscopic ovarian surgery or … women with polycystic ovary syndrome should try to lower their body mass index (BMI) with diet and exercise. …
Health topics
… and the organ is not able to stretch bigger. Pelvic or lower belly pain caused by ectopic pregnancy may get worse … you cannot move, or it can be mild. You may also pass large blood clots or grey or pink tissue. Belly pain during later … and the organ is not able to stretch bigger. Pelvic or lower belly pain caused by ectopic pregnancy may get worse …
Health topics
… the same spot for each treatment. This helps protect nearby healthy tissue from the radiation. Internal radiation … urinating often, a strong urge to urinate, or passing blood in your urine. Bowel problems. These may include pain … may include bladder or rectal cancer. For someone with higher-risk prostate cancer, radiation treatment may be …
Health topics
… or black Redness could mean irritation from shoes or overheating or could be an early sign of another problem. Do what … that fit better. Blue or black areas can mean bruising or blood flow problems. Call your doctor to report them. … after 4 days. Calluses (hardened areas of skin) and corns (pressure injuries, usually found on or between toes) Show …