4908 results found
Medical tests
… To find the cause of symptoms such as earache, a feeling of pressure or fullness in the ear, or hearing loss. To check … like. It also shows how well the eardrum moves when the pressure inside the ear canal changes. It helps the doctor … will flex inward and outward in response to the changes in pressure. How It Feels The physical examination of the ear …
HealthLinkBC files
… , and about 16 per cent die. Some people are at a slightly higher risk of cryptococcal disease including those who: Are … care provider can test for Cryptococcus infection in a blood, lung or spinal fluid sample. Is there a treatment … Vancouver Island and has occasionally been detected in the lower mainland or southeastern part of mainland B.C. It is …
Health topics
… rusty red after feeding. Like mosquitoes, bedbugs feed on blood from animals or people. Bedbugs have that name because … prevent an infection. You can: Wash the bites with soap to lower the chance of infection. Use calamine lotion or an … prevent an infection. You can: Wash the bites with soap to lower the chance of infection. Use calamine lotion or an …
Health topics
… the symptoms of GERD include losing weight (if needed), eating a low-fat diet, raising the head of your bed, and not eating for at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Related … the symptoms of GERD include losing weight (if needed), eating a low-fat diet, raising the head of your bed, and not …
Health topics
… Information Overview Don't drink too much alcohol before eating. It may dull your senses, and you might not chew food … content . … Overview Don't drink too much alcohol before eating. It may dull your senses, and you might not chew food …
Health topics
… arthroscopy include: Bleeding within the joint. Infection. Blood clotting in your leg. Nerve or joint damage. A rare risk of compartment syndrome if pressure builds within the leg. When this occurs, you need … Risks of arthroscopy include: Bleeding within the joint. Blood clotting in your leg. A rare risk of compartment …
… needs. Uses Midostaurin is used to treat certain types of blood cell cancer (acute myeloid leukemia-AML, mast cell … and your risk of serious side effects will increase. Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using … pills") or if you have conditions such as severe sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. Talk to your doctor about …
… which the body's own defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissue. This leads to swelling in the joints, which … This drug is given by injection under the skin of your thigh, abdomen, or upper arm as directed by your doctor, … abatacept works by weakening the immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. This may make you …
… feelings). To help prevent withdrawal, your doctor may lower your dose slowly. Withdrawal is more likely if you have used vilazodone for a long time or in high doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist right away if you … such as clopidogrel, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen/naproxen, "blood thinners" such as dabigatran/warfarin) Aspirin can …
… months. Tilt your head back, look upward, and pull down the lower eyelid to make a pouch. Hold the dropper directly over … at the corner of the eye near the nose and apply gentle pressure. This will prevent the medication from draining … include: flushing, feeling of warmth, unusual tiredness, sweating, diarrhea. Notes Avoid allergens that may be the …