4610 results found
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… stop having tantrums by age 4 or 5, when they learn healthy ways to handle strong emotions. Why do children have … limits on behaviour. Say "no" when you mean "no." Don't change your mind and give in to the child's wishes. This … stop having tantrums by age 4 or 5, when they learn healthy ways to handle strong emotions. Why do children have …
Health topics
… the risk of stroke and death. Medicine and a heart-healthy lifestyle may work as well as surgery to prevent a … reduce your stroke risk more than medicines and lifestyle changes alone. footnote 1 , footnote 4 Studies are being … the risk of stroke and death. Medicine and a heart-healthy lifestyle may work as well as surgery to prevent a …
HealthLinkBC files
… information about their health. A newborn baby can look healthy but have a rare and serious disorder that you and … who may have one of these rare disorders. Finding and treating these disorders early prevents or reduces serious … that carries oxygen (hemoglobin) throughout the body is changed. Hemoglobin is important because it picks up oxygen …
Health topics
… be able to prevent or delay problems from the disease. Treating the disease early may also make the disease easier to … Regular screening tests and checkups can help you stay healthy. Talk with your doctor whenever you have concerns … are you willing to take medicine or make lifestyle changes if the test shows that you have it? Screening, Birth …
Health topics
… Regular physical activity will help you to: maintain a healthy body weight, builds stronger muscles control blood …
Health topics
… during work, play, or daily activities: Reach and stay at a healthy weight. Wear well-cushioned shoes, and avoid high … during work, play, or daily activities: Reach and stay at a healthy weight. Wear well-cushioned shoes, and avoid high …
Health topics
… find it easier to decide to quit using tobacco if you find healthy alternatives that replace your habitual tobacco use. … find it easier to decide to quit using tobacco if you find healthy alternatives that replace your habitual tobacco use. …
Health topics
… more than one child, make sure your newborn has a healthy growth pattern. Talk to your doctor about any … more than one child, make sure your newborn has a healthy growth pattern. Talk to your doctor about any …
… breast-feeding. Drug Interactions Drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for … work better include exercising, stopping smoking, and eating a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet. Consult your doctor … work better include exercising, stopping smoking, and eating a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet. Consult your doctor …