5475 results found
Health topics
… as God. Frustration and anger affect people emotionally and physically. You may work out these feelings by talking with someone or through physical activity (such as running, cleaning house, or punching a …
Health topics
… for Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Cystectomy Does Aspirin Prevent Cancer? Eating Well During Cancer Treatment Endometrial (Uterine) … Skin Cancer Cystectomy Does Aspirin Prevent Cancer? Eating Well During Cancer Treatment Endometrial (Uterine) …
Health topics
… avoid them. It can help to keep a diary of what you were eating, drinking, and doing on days that the rosacea … avoid them. It can help to keep a diary of what you were eating, drinking, and doing on days that the rosacea …
Health topics
… reaches the inner ear, but the breakdown of hair cells prevents proper hearing. This is known as sensorineural … well sound can move into the inner ear. Long-term medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or … no longer work. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask about your symptoms and past …
Health topics
… carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet can be used to prevent seizures in an adult or a child who has any type of … epilepsy. It is not yet clear how or why the ketogenic diet prevents or reduces seizures. One version of the ketogenic … about the ketogenic diet, keep in mind: For the diet to prevent seizures, your child has to follow it exactly. The …
… problems (overactive bladder, neurogenic detrusor overactivity). Overactive bladder is a problem with how your … by brain, spinal cord, or nerve problems. Symptoms of these conditions may include frequent urination, strong sudden … marijuana (cannabis). This medication can cause decreased sweating. Avoid becoming overheated in hot weather, saunas, or …
… professional. This medication may also be used for various conditions such as lupus and multiple sclerosis. How To Use … or relieve nausea and vomiting. Changes in diet such as eating several small meals or limiting activity may help lessen some of these effects. If these …
Health topics
… Although I have severe symptoms, they are new. I am treating this TMD by eating pureed foods, using medicine for muscle spasm and … make it worse! Karen, age 40 Apparently, my rheumatoid arthritis has broken down my jawbone enough that only …
Health topics
… Your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical examination. This will include taking a close look … Your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical examination. This will include taking a close look …
Health topics
… Your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical examination. This will include taking a close look … Your doctor will ask about your past health and do a physical examination. This will include taking a close look …